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Enchanted (Taylor's Version)

Taylor Swift ♥︎

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1:35 ━━●━━───── 5:53

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you"

Things could indeed get worse.

Less than a week after Clementine and Finnick's talk on the beach, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the 74th Hunger Games. That was a bad thing for many reasons. Clementine had already formed a list:

1. There had never been two victors of the same Game ever in history, so that was bound to piss Snow off. (Not to mention how excited the Capitol would be!)

2. Seneca Crane had mysteriously gone "missing" not a day after the District-Twelve Tributes victory, which means the Games were now due for a new Head Gamemaker. Every time a new Head Gamemaker was introduced, chaos followed.

3. When the new victors came along to District Four for their victory tour, the District now had an extra mouth to feed (which is extremely stupid).

4. Every channel on the television was now flooded with recaps of the 74th Hunger Games and what the newest victors were up to in their very fake romantic lives which bored everybody nut the Capitol to death.

5. Katniss Everdeen won, so that's enough of a problem in itself.

The only good thing since their victory was that Clementine's awaited clients seemed to drift off to never return, and Finnick's slowed just slightly. It gave them enough of a break to finally start training Sunlee in the tragic incident she was to be Reaped, and she had taken quite nicely to it all. Aside from the thought of actually killing people, that is.

Clementine had been beyond irritable ever since, and even Finnick felt like he was walking on eggshells around her. It had been months, but when the victors arrived in Four earlier that morning to present their speeches the next afternoon, Finnick and Clementine knew there was much more at stake than reading some cards for a pretty presentation.

Upon the heightened political presence among Four during the week, Johanna had ridden down from District Seven to pick Sunlee up and take her back to Seven to keep her out of any unintentional limelight. They knew that with Johanna, anyone could be safe. They would just have to worry about who Johanna and Sunlee would prank in the meantime.

Ever since Sunlee left, however, Finnick's house had been...lonely. Clementine and Finnick had each other, but it was still oddly haunting to not have little legs pitter-pattering along the wooden floorboards as they chased whatever animal they had insisted needed a home.

Small things that they thought they would never miss, they missed. The obnoxious bouncy ball Sunlee had stolen from Mags a year earlier that she would throw against the wall repeatedly laid still on her bed. Sunlee's little blonde ringlets that always seemed to stick to everyone's clothing swept across the floors like tumbleweeds in a barren desert. It was the little things.

Finnick had tried to keep the pair busy with constant activities, but Clementine always seemed to be someplace else. He didn't much mind, though. He knew it was hard, and he couldn't deny it was difficult for himself, as well.

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