Taelin's losing her emotions?!?! Part 1/????

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To: EricTheGamer6000X

Storyline: When Taelin's friends started to prank Taelin too much, Taelin used a spell that makes people losing their emotions, and puts the spell on herself, but she is now emotionless, it's up to her friends to find a way to bring her emotions back to her, will her friends saved Taelin and give Taelin's emotions back to her, or will Taelin become emotionless...FOREVER?!?!

Taelin: Hmm, I think Amy and GG are in Italy to visit Amy's cousin for a few minutes, so I guess that I can go to Bob Velseb's workplace and ask him if we can go to the Carnival, I heard that the Carnival has a lot of food...

But what Taelin didn't know is that Ian and Zach put a bag at Taelin's house, when Taelin looked at the bag, walked to the bag, and then, a bucket of blood poured on Taelin, and that's when Taelin started to cry.

Ian: *laughs rudely* See that Zach, I told that it is an great prank..

Zach: *looks at Taelin crying* I know that, but I don't think that Taelin think it's a funny joke.

Ian: Wait, what???

Zach and Ian looked at Taelin crying, which makes them shivers in fear.

Ian: Uh-oh, this is not good, Zach, it's a red card.

Zach: Then that means....Loona is coming.

Loona: My Taelin crying senses are tingling, HOLD ON TAE, I'M COMING!!! *runs to Taelin and glares at Ian and Zach* Ian and Zach, what did you do you both do to her???

Ian: W-W-Well Loona, we're just playing a game.

Loona: I don't think that is a game, I can tell that there is blood on Taelin and Taelin's crying, then that means you both better start running.

Ian and Zach: *screaming in fear while running away from Loona*

Optimus: *is in his Alt. Mode form, while driving to Taelin's house*

Mitsuri, Bob Velseb, & Jonathan Joestar jumped out of Optimus as Optimus turned back from his Alt. Mode form while looking at Taelin, a few minutes later Taelin used the emotionless spell on herself, and she is now emotionless.

Taelin: Wow, I am liking being emotionless......

(To be Continued...)

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