Yandere Changeling Taelin x GG

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In the forest....

"*huff* *huff* huff*" GG panting while running away from Taelin.

"GG, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!!!" Taelin screamed while running faster towards.

"MY SWEET, PLEASE STOP FOLLOWING ME, PLEASE!!!" GG screamed while keep running away from Taelin.

GG runs into the wooden, he closed the door shut, he closed windows totally shut, he gets down to his knees and crawls under the wooden desk.

"Please don't let Taelin find me here." GG said while covering himself in the dark.

But then, an female giant hand broke down the wooden cabin front door, reaches to you, grabs you tightly and pulls you away from the wooden cabin, pulls you closer to her face.

"Well, well, well, it seems that you won't escape from me anymore, darling." Taelin said while looking at you and walks to some far away country.


To: EricTheGamer6000X, I hope you enjoy it.

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