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"What the fuck are you barking?" A man yelled throwing the glass of wine from his hand.

"B...boss i heared myself, she was confessing to the BTS member taehyung." His man replied with his head hung low.

"Fucking bastard i told you to kill him. Didn't i? But what you did ? A small accident?" He marched towards the poor man and cupped his jaw harshly.

"Taecyeon!" someone called him from behind and he turned his head.

"What?" He yelled back.

"Why don't you propose her directly? It's been year you are stalking her . It's not her fault, she has her life too. You sho-"

"Shut up jungwoon . Just shut your mouth. She is mine and now it's time to show her, her real place. I gave her a lot of freedom but not now. How dare she? How dare she to confess to another man? I will kill him..I WILL KILL HIM FOR SURE!!" Taecyeon yelled angrily punching the wall beside him. His hand started bleeding but he smiled like a psycho looking at his own blood.

"Get ready my angel I am coming for you." He whispered to himself.

" He whispered to himself

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"What happened Annie I am noticing from morning. you are not being yourself." Nia said worriedly entering in Annie's cabin.

Annie sighed and shook her head.

"I messed up Nia. I messed up so bad." She pulled her hairs in frustration.

"Messed up? How? Tell me what is bothering you?"

"You already know I confessed to taehyung last night "


"Nia i...I don't know how to explain..listen I saw jungkook with a girl at the party and I became angry. That's why I decided to leave from there. I was feeling like crying. Why? I myself don't know. Taehyung insisted to drop me...I said no but he didn't listen. All the way of car ride I was thinking about jungkook. taehyung told me about his first love and how his heart broke when she left him . I..I was about to enter in the home but he suddenly said I love you. " She was telling everything licking her lips continuously.. nia was watching her in concern. Annie is a mature and calm collected girl. She never seen her uneasy like this.

"Hey take it easy girl. You are scaring me. I never seen you restless like this." Nia said with concern.

"In my mind I was comparing both of them that how different they both are . Then you called and told me about taehyung's accident. I thought it's because me of me. he was there for dropping me because he cared about me. I became too emotional...I...I just wanted to make him happy. A person who always cares about others i wanted to do something for him which can make him happy. I cursed myself for thinking about jungkook who is a bad boy and for rejecting taehyung's proposal who is a kind and gentle person. Taehyung should be happy...this sentence was roaming in my mind when I was traveling to hospital. And when he confessed to me then I couldn't control my emotions and I...I.. confessed too. " She said taking a deep breath.

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