Solitude & Reflection

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Author's pov :-

Y/n's footsteps echoed softly against the pavement as she strolled through the park, her thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions and memories. The fading sunlight cast long shadows across the path, a visual reminder of the passing of time and the transient nature of existence.

As she reached a tranquil corner of the park, Y/N felt a familiar pang of loneliness tugging at her heartstrings. Despite the bustling city around her, she often found herself enveloped in a quiet solitude—a solitude that served as both a sanctuary and a source of longing.

Seating herself on a weathered bench beneath a canopy of verdant foliage, Y/N allowed herself to sink into the embrace of nature, seeking solace in its timeless wisdom. With each breath, she felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity.

In the stillness of the evening, Y/N's mind wandered to distant memories and forgotten dreams, each one a fragment of her identity waiting to be rediscovered.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, she closed her eyes and surrendered to the beauty of the moment, knowing that within the depths of solitude lay the seeds of self-discovery and transformation.

Author's pov ends.

Third person's pov:-

Tears started forming in her eyes as she felt stuck between the options of family and career

She covered her face with her hands and stayed in that position for a few minutes

She sat straight and look at the piece of silk hanging on her neck,Her company's ID

"Lee Y/N,Age:23, 5th floor of The
Eclaté luxe Building,A Trust of the company" she sighed looking at repulsive photo in the ID

Lee Y/N ,Age 23,A Fashion designer,Works in the most renowned fashion industry 'Eclaté luxe' Paris, Her family live all the way in Monaco

She was born not only with a silver spoon but with a diamond dress

Her parents didn't had old money,They are the old money,She is orginally from south korea,Her great great grandparents were rulers,emperors and the kings and queens who ruled over the nation of Goguryeo

Y/n's parents didn't accept the fact that y/n would choose a 'Job' at the first place

They wanted Y/n and her siblings to own their own empires

Her siblings don't like y/n that much Because of Her picking her own path they wouldn't get to choose the path they wanted

Y/n's parents:-

Y/n's Father,Yoonseok Lee,Age:-53,
Owns several companies worldwide and have several branches of it in korea

Y/n's Mother,Hyesun Lee,Age:-51,She owns a Luxury brands Such as Cars,Bikes which are all over Monaco

Y/n's Siblings:-

Jiyeon Lee,Second Eldest,age 21,is fighting for her dad's company to be a heir

Seojun Lee,Youngest,The money waster,
Loves Bikes and He is the favorite of The Mother

His mother dreams to give her company to him but he isn't capable.

She came all over to monaco from paris to meet her family only for a few days

She took out her phone to see 19 missed calls from 'Barbie'?

"Now why is he calling?" She winned and called the contact saved in her phone


"Yaa! Where are you?!! You know we have a race today right?!!" She freezes at her spot And looks down

"I forgot! I am sorry!" She says as she could hear him breathing heavily on the phone

"But why are you breathing so heavily?" She looked up as she heard her name from the right

OTP ends

"Barbie?" She stood up seeing him standing in the middle of the pathway and holding onto his helmet while breathing heavily

He runs up to her and hugs her tight

"You could've atleast told me you shortie,I got worried" she couldn't even breathe because of the tight hug

"But how did you know i was in the park?" He backed up and scratched his neck while awkwardly smiling

"Don't tell me you-" Before she could say anything he looked back and grabbed her wrist and run to his motorcycle that was parked under the tree

"Long story short,While i was on my way here I sped up a little more then i thought i would" He sat on his motorcycle while waiting for her

"When are you ever going to learn?" He took her bag that she was holding onto and kept in front and left the road in a speed of light with her

"You need to slow down barbie,i am going fly off the motorcycle" He took her hands and tightened them around his waist

"Just hold onto me tight! The police is way too slow!" He rode his motorcycle in a speed like he could've imagined it

"You know dad would be pissed if he found out that you again drove the police crazy over you!" She yelled while being calm but scared

"Who said I am going to tell him?!" He finally stopped near a gas station and got down from the motorcycle

He took off his helmet and started walking to feed his love some food

"Hey barbie?" She called him and he looked over to her

"What if i told dad?" He again started to fill the fuel

"I know your not going too" he put the gas nozzle back and gave her a helmet first

She got down from the motorcycle when he sat on it

"Eh? Why did you get off?" He asked as he saw her removing the helmet he gave her

"I am hungry first,lets go find some snacks in the gas station" He understood the assignment and parked his motorcycle infront of the gas station

They went in the gas station to get some snacks

While they were getting out of the gas station he again asked her something

"Y/n-nie" he called out and she looked over to her while humming

"What were you doing in that park?" She sat on the motorcycle while putting on her helmet as he kept questioning her

"Don't you think we are getting late for the race?" He quickly got on his bike and drove off to their home

Timeskip at home

"Yah! Where do you think you're going
y/n!" Her father yelled from behind trying to get answers which she was not giving

"Dad I am taking her out" He pushed his father lightly inside the house and closed the door

He ran towards y/n who was wearing her racing outfit while fixing her hair to put the helmet on

"You shouldn't ignore dad" He said while getting on his motorcycle and fixing the mirror on it

"You want me to keep quite about the police right?" She looked over to him and he nodded in response

"Then let me ignore him" He again looked at her in disbelief

"That's why mom gets annoyed by the way you behave" She glared at him and drove off on her motorcycle leaving him in guilt

"This girl...." He put his helmet back on and followed her at the same speed she left him in the garage

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