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The roar of the engines filled the air as Y/n tore down the straightaway, her motorcycle locked in a fierce battle for supremacy against her competitors. The wind whipped against her helmet as she leaned into the curves, her heart pounding with exhilaration and determination.

Every twist and turn of the track was a dance of precision and speed, a test of skill and nerve. Y/n pushed herself to the limit, her focus unwavering as she chased the elusive thrill of victory.

Beside her, her fellow racers matched her move for move, their presence a constant reminder of the fierce competition between them. But Y/n refused to let them get the better of her, pouring every ounce of her passion and determination into each twist of the throttle.

As they raced neck and neck, the crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their voices blending with the thundering roar of the engines. It was a symphony of speed and adrenaline, a testament to the unyielding spirit of competition that drove them forward.

But just as victory seemed within reach, Y/n's phone buzzed in her pocket, a harsh interruption to the adrenaline-fueled rhythm of the race. With a sigh of frustration, she reluctantly slowed her pace, maneuvering her motorcycle to the side of the track as her competitors surged ahead.

She looked over to the judges including the holder of the race her own Mother Only to find out they were looking right back at her with a disappointment knowing she messed up the only chance to prove her mother she isn't wrong, She looked down trying to avoid the angry and disappointed gazes that she got.

Fishing her phone from her pocket, Y/n glanced at the caller ID, her heart sinking as she saw the familiar name of her company, Eclaté Luxe, flashing on the screen. With a sense of resignation, she answered the call, her voice tense with anticipation.

"It's urgent," came the voice on the other end, crisp and professional. "We have a new project with a Korean company, and they're requesting your immediate attention."

Y/n's stomach churned with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She knew what this meant-a chance to prove herself on an international stage, to showcase her talent and expertise to a new audience.

But it also meant leaving behind the thrill of the race, the taste of victory tantalizingly close yet just out of reach. With a heavy heart, she made a decision-a decision that would alter the course of her career and her life forever.

"I'll be there," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "Tell them I'm on my way."

As she ended the call and revved her engine, Y/n couldn't help but glance back at the track one last time, the echoes of the race fading into the distance as she raced towards a new horizon, her heart torn between the thrill of the chase and the call of destiny.

She had to leave without informing the only companion who liked her as she was the only one who he was inspired too, His Idol

Her one and only Barbie,her own blood related,Her brother, LEE SEOJUN

Y/n's pov

I should go home first to take a cab from there,I even have to book my flight all the way to paris again

But first i have to go home or he will come behind me trying to look for me

I need to call Camille first to tell her to book my flight to paris

I parked by motorbike at the side of the road and fished for my phone again, when i finally found it i took it out only to see it switched off

The fate god has written for me is insane! I put the phone back in my pocket and head towards my parents house

After a few minutes of riding my motorcycle i got home and parked it in the garage that looked like a warehouse since it was that big

I took off the keys and head towards my room passing by my father

"I told you,you'd lose again but the princess is stubborn like her mother" A voice came from behind, sarcastic and annoying "I didn't lose the race,i quit the race in between..."

Laughter echoed, cruelly narrating my defeat and humiliation

"Why? Because you didn't had the courage to win against your younger brother" I looked at him in disbelief not believing that its my own father

"Or was it because you wanted your mother to know that you're a loser" I couldn't take it anymore i just wanted someone or something to eat him alive

How can he say that to his own blood.I walked away with heavy steps as i fought against the urge, holding back the tears with every fiber of myself being.

"YEAH! RUN AWAY LIKE YOU'VE ALWAYS DID!" His scream echoed, a cruel reminder that according to him, I would forever remain the loser I am

I finally disappeared from the living room where he always waste his time like an unemployed person would

I put my phone to charge then i went towards the closet to take out my belongings, That's it! I thought they would change their minds about me not wanting to choose their empires but no,
They still treat me like i am an almost stranger to them

I've decided not to come back again,this was too much, if they would they would wish to see my face then they would have to come to me i won't ever see these 4 walls again in my life!

I angrily packed my suitcases when i heard a knock on the door and knew who it was. I despise this person the most

"Uhm,Hello! I am knocking on the door?" The open door allowed the intrusion of an annoying voice.

"Do i look like i care? Get lost" i didn't even spared a glance at her because i knew her, knew she would be cursing at me standing at the door then start walking towards me

"Sto-", "I just want to tell you that, Please don't come here again" I knew she would say this

"I won't, since it makes you all feel relief"

"Since when do you care about us? No, i shouldn't say that or you would come here again like you did last time and before that and before befor-"

"Enough! Leave me alone, This is the last time" I could here her laugh not making it any less harder then it is already

"You say this all the time"

"Fuck off and let me pack my things" She went away while laughing and i felt embarrassed of my own self, i locked my door and checked my phone which was left on charge

"15%..." i removed the charger and called Camille,my personal assistant secretary.

After talking to her i again started to pack my bags and after a few minutes i was ready to leave this ridiculous house that i couldn't even call home

I called a cab to head towards the airport and it came after a few minutes of waiting and i left without informing him

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