Authors Note

978 17 20

Ok so I'm not meaning for this to be directed at anyone in particular because it's more than one person.

I started writing this story because I liked the concept and I hadn't seen anyone else do it before.

I did not write this for there to be judge mental comments. Wether it's on the concept of the age difference or the content itself. Some of it may be a joke but I'm tired of seeing it in my notifications. I get excited seeing comment notifications but to open them and find negativity makes me feel like shit. I've been insecure about my writings ever since I was young so seeing negative comments just confirms to me that I'm a bad writer.

My head weighs the negatives over the positive. Which means that negative comments stick to my brain and positive ones just leave without saying goodbye.

Writing is my passion, my hobby, and most importantly my life. I've been writing stories since I could remember. It's what I want to do as a career.

I know there will be criticism but if you don't like the story don't read it.

I will be taking a break from writing for a while so I can clear my head. I've had a rough couple days and I think it's best for me to focus on myself for a bit.

Thank you to those who do leave positive feedback.


Love Has No Limits Right? // Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now