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I sat there in that room for who knows how long. I thought back on Jeff Cowry and how he was probably confused and pissed at this point. I decided to look him up and see any news about him. I tried to find WiFi but I couldn't connect. I found Nathan's network but it was locked. I glanced at the door. He was working. He wouldn't want to be disturbed. Oh well. I looked back at the wall. I couldn't exactly sleep but I was so bored! I sighed and finally decided to shut down my systems and wait for Nathan to power me back on, I didn't really have anything else to do.

I opened my eyes to see Nathan standing above me, not looking too happy. 

"You know, if you were bored, you could have asked me for the WiFi password." I sat up slowly in the bed. He was scowling. 

"How long has it been?" I asked. He glared at me as if I should know. 

"Don't you have an app for that?" He snapped. He seemed pretty mad. I checked my date and time quickly.

 "A month?!" What?! A month?! How!? Why didn't he power me back on?! I looked up at him.

 "You did a human thing, you made an error. You put yourself back on factory settings and I had to slavage what I could from your memory. You're lucky i could get it all. From now on, only I shut you down. Got it?" Really? I completely messed up. But...I wasn't supposed to be able to make mistakes! It wasn't possible! I was flawless....or, I was supposed to be. I put my head in my hands. Nathan was still glaring at me. "It's OK to make mistakes. But you ha to try not to." He sat next to me on the bed. "That password is 'bolts' by the way." He lifted my head and looked into my eyes. "Don't beat yourself up." Then he stood up and held out his hand. "Come on." He flicked his head toward the door. I gave him a confused look. "I'll show you why they wanted you to kill me." I hesitated. After a little bit, he reached out and grabbed my hand, yanking me roughly to my feet. He lead me across the room and I reluctantly followed.

 He pulled me out into the hall an d down to a closed door. He opened it to empty room. Was this a joke? 

"Wow, do they not like your wasting of space?" I asked sarcastically. Wow. Sarcasm was new to me. Well, sort of. In my fake memory it wasn't but, it was in real life. 

"OK, maybe I shouldn't have given you a capacity for sarcasm." He shook his head. Then he gestured inside the room. "Walk in." He moved to the side. I didn't move. 

"I'm not gonna, like, blow up am I?" I asked. I was scared. This man was being targeted for a reason.

 "No. Go before I use a command to make you!" He shoved me forward and I stumbled into the room. My sensors alerted me to outer damage. But, it was in my leg. As if I had run into something. I couldn't feel pain. I moved my hand out in front of me to feel for what had hit me. My hand found an object, but I couldn't see anything. 

"Cloaking technology." I turned and looked at Nathan. "You acheived cloaking!' He shook his head. 

"No. I achieved cloning. I use cloaking devices when I'm not here. The government wants me to create human clones for their military but I didn't want to do it." He pressed a button on the wall to reveal a bunch of taxidermy animals. "The cloning requires unaldamaged, freshly dead humans and a copy of their memories and brain pattern. I won't do that. I think that the government wants me dead to take my technology." He moved forward. "These are what I use for my cloning." My memories gave me a fear of anything dead. He probably did that to ensure his safety in case any remnants of my old programming got overlooked by his diagnostics. I backed up. 

"OK, can we leave now?!" There was a ringing of a doorbell from the living room. I moved to go to the door. "Stop." I froze. "It could be anyone, don't move, oh wait, you can't!" He joked. If I could have, I would have punched him with my metal fists and seen how easy it was for him to laugh then. He hit the cloaking button on the wall as he took off out of the room to the front. There was voice. 

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