Spamton NSFW Alphabet

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A = after care (what they're like after sex)

Spamton will make a warm bath for you after , he'll make sure you're not in pain and that your comfortable

B = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and there partner's)

You: he loves your arms he loves the feeling on your arms around him

Himself: he's soul he adores the the way you gently touch and kiss it

C = cum (cum stuff)

Spamton doesn't cum in big loads but he loves to see his cum on your face and on your back

D = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)

Spamton will occasionally watch you change he likes the vulnerability

E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)

Spamton is quite experienced since he's 35

F = favorite position (🫦)

Spamton on top with your back to him

G = goofy (are silly or serious?)

Spamton is really serious he doesn't think people shouldn't be funny during ✨it✨

H = hair (down there hair)

Spamton is well groomed and the carpets do not match the drapes

I = intimacy (how intimate are they during the moment)

Spamton is Extremely intimate during sex he makes sure your feelings amazing during the moment you are his top priority

J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)

Spamton doesn't jack off often but when he does it takes him ten minutes

K = kinks (⛓️🪢🔪🧶)

Power play , bondage, soul play (messing with someone's soul), being called boss in bed

L = location (favorite places to do it)

Spamton prefers to do it in his room but on rare occasions on his desk in his office

M = motivation ( turn ons,what gets them going)

Sitting on his lap, biting his soul gently, playing with his hair, playing with his hands

N = NO (something they wouldn't do,turn offs)

If he doesn't have your consent, fucking in public, anal, hurting his partner, humiliation, people in the room

O = oral (preference in giving or receiving)

Spamton loves receiving but if you ask he'll gladly oblige

P = pace (fast or slow,rough or sensual)

Spamton is quite fast and very sensual

Q = quickie (their opinion on quickies)

In rare occasions but he'd rather not

R = risk (do they take risks?)

Not a lot of risks but he'll on rare occasions fuck you stupid in his office

S = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)

2 or 3 but if he's really in the mood he can go for 5

T = toys (do they use toy on a partner or themselves)

Sometimes you use vibrators to ✨punish✨him and vice versa

U = unfair (do they tease you?)

No Spamton won't tease you

V = volume (loud or quiet, what sounds they make,etc)

Spamtons pretty quiet he gets a bit louder when he's about to cum

W = wild card (a random headcanon)

Spamton loves to cuddle after work you won't be able to get up for like two hours

X = x-ray (👀🫦)

Spamton is about 6 inches

Spamton has a tentacle dick

Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)

I feel like spamton doesn't have a high sex drive but he randomly gets hard

Z = zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)

Spamton will only fall asleep once your asleep 

Sorry for the long wait it took me awhile cause it wasn't saving 

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