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The long straight fingers, a firm bone structure, the back of his hand; Rowena slowly brought his hand to her cheek, savouring the familiar touch. A pleasantly cool sensation spread through her skin.

"You have never watched me while sleeping... So, this is a dream, isn't it?"

The next morning, after they had spent the night together, he was always the one to leave before she would wake up. Only to find that his side of the bed had gone cold.

He was the man who would ask her to stay with him, but would say nothing.

He would stay with her for a night, then neglect her for the next four days. For four days.


Killian answered in a low voice, and bit his lip.

It's a dream indeed.

Rowena opened her mouth slowly at the strangely tender eyes.

"Then, I will have you spoil me..."

It was the kindest face she had seen from him in a long time. It was getting difficult to breathe. The tip of her nose was cold, and heat rose to her eyes.

Killian, who had been watching Rowena's face attentively, asked:

"What should I do?"

"Stroke my head, until I fall asleep."

Blinking for a moment, Killian stroked her long hair as she wished. Rowena savoured his touch, She felt as if she were floating at his gentle, loving touch.

"It's a dream...it's a dream... "

Her drowsiness was filling up her head. She didn't want to fall asleep, but her eyelids kept drooping. When she closed her eyes and opened them again, she felt as though she could see the wrinkled sheets of the empty spot next to her, as usual.

"Come on."

The hand that was touching her head, covered her eyes and Rowena fell asleep. Killian kept staring at her...he stared at her for a long time.

When she woke up again, she was all alone.

Rowena got up and sat down in front of the dressing table. It had been five days since Killian had given her the cold shoulder, for no apparent reason, and now she was alone in the large bedroom.

The publisher, who she was trying to get her book published with, had gone out of business. The building janitor had told her that he didn't know a man named William Jenon.

She was depressed and tired. The future in front of her was like a tangled thread.

"Where do I begin to solve this...? And how....?"

Someone knocked outside the door while Rowena looked at her distorted and restless face. As soon as she said 'come in', the door swung open.

"You came at the perfect time. Can you bring some water to wash my face, and help me put my hair up?"

Naturally, she assumed it would be Melissa. She didn't look at the person who came in, but when she tried to tie her hair up, a firm palm landed on the back of Rowena's hand.

Startled, Rowena raised her head. At the same time, she met the ice cold pupils in the mirror.


"Miss Philone."

Killian said softly as he approached without making a single sound.

"Don't put your hair up."


"It suits you better if you leave it down."


His expression was strange, but his touch was familiar.

Her eyes were wide open, as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Wasn't it a dream last night.....?"

She recalled the warm face, and the gentle hand that patted her head. Killian, who was brushing her long blond hair gently, squeezed her slender shoulder.

"Do you want this to be a dream?"

"...... No."

Rowena shook her head slowly. Smiling, Killian kissed her lightly on the top of her head.

"I acted carelessly that night."


"Is your body all right?"

The smooth voice made Rowena doubt her ears instead of replying.

'No way. Am I still dreaming? Have I not woken up from my dream yet?'

It was a sight she dared to hope for, only in her dreams.

Killian would wake up in the morning and gently call her name.

Killian, who would look at her as if she were the most precious thing in his life.

Killian smiling and talking kindly to her.


Tears welled up in her emerald eyes and trickled down her cheeks. Killian sighed lightly and wiped away her tears with his index finger.

"Dream, is this a dream...?"

"No, it isn't."


A shaky voice asked pitifully.

"Really? This is reality and I'm not dreaming."

Instead of answering, Killian wiped the tears from her face. She then closed her eyes.

"Turn around, please."

Refusal was not an option.

After nodding her head, Rowena rose and turned her body toward him.

Taking her hand in his, Killian placed a ring on her ring finger. Rowena was startled by the sensation of the cold metal.

"Duke ...?"

"Call me Killian."

She couldn't believe it. Backing away, Rowena suddenly placed her hand on her chest.

"Killian...this is...."

He slipped a platinum, sparkling ring with a shimmering diamond in the middle, onto her ring finger. It was her right hand, not her left, but her chest felt too full of emotion for such a minor detail to be of concern.

"It is a gift. I really should have given it to you sooner, but I am late."

"Are you sure you don't mind giving me this ring...?"

Killian laughed lightly, "Well, have I mistaken you for another person?"

Killian chuckled softly with an affectionately scolding tone.

"I didn't mean that...!"

Rowena couldn't stand the feelings that were slowly building deep within her heart, so she dove into his chest. She wrapped her arms around Killian's neck and hid her face in his broad chest.


Rowena opened her mouth, sobbing. But she couldn't say another word because of the emotions that had risen to the top of her throat. As if in deep understanding, his warm hand patted her lightly on the back.

"Since the day you slapped me with your swollen cheek, there has been a question that has not left my head."


"I wanted to deny it, so I acted cruelly towards you. But even if I deny it, my feelings are still very much the same."


"I've been thinking a lot about you for the past five days. How precious you are to me."

Rowena looked up. She felt as if she were the heroine in a fairy tale. How could Killian, a man of such high status, whom she did not even dare to look in the eyes, be proposing to her. She, who had nothing to offer him besides her heart? The moment she could have never seen coming, was unfolding before her.

"It feels like a dream. I'm really, really happy."

It was a proposal she had never expected. As he kissed Rowena's forehead while she cried again, Killian whispered.

"Let's go to the island you love the most. Where we can spend the summer together."

"You're going with me?"

Killian smiled at the shiver of anticipation in her voice.

"I'm afraid I'll have to follow a little later. I have a few more things to wrap up here."


"I'll be right there, just wait for me at the villa. Rowena."


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