1 | Abducted

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☬Evelyn's pov☬

"Okay, Oscar I have to go to work now, seriously. I need you to behave for Ms. Jennings tonight." I said while running around the house, trying to get all my stuff for work put together. My little brother groaned and rolled his eyes at me. "Come on Eve, do you have to work tonight?" He questioned. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. "Oscar..."
    "Evelyn..." He said in response. Smart ass. "Oscar you know I have to work. We cant afford for me to take any off days." He frowned at me. "Eve.. Im sorry I've been a pain lately. I just wish we could be
together more." I put down all my stuff, and walked over to Oscar, and gave him a hug. "Im sorry." We stayed like that for a while until we heard a knock on the front door.
    "Looks like Ms. Jennings is here." I said with a half smile on my face. He smiled back and I went to answer the door.
    I got Ms. Jennings settled in with Oscar, and said goodbye before rushing out the door. I dont know why I rush out the door every night just to go sit at some trashy gas station in the middle of no where. Its mainly just because we need the money. We being me and my younger brother Oscar. When I was 16 and Oscar was 6 our father died, which caused our mother to fall into a world of drug and alcohol abuse. For about a year we were stuck with our abusive, alochol obsessed mother, then were were put into foster care for another year, which was just as bad as being with our mother, so the minute I turned 18 I made sure to get full custody of Oscar, got us an apartment, and me a job, and we've been living on our own ever since.
    Anyway its 10:15 and im 5 minutes late to work.
I pulled into the driveway of that crappy gas station, and rushed inside to see a very annoyed Eric. Eric is the guy who works day shifts. I come in late most days, and that annoys him, but he never tells our manager. Which is weird, but either way I was about to get a whole ot of shit from him.
    "Ugh, Finally. Your late... again." He said causing me to roll my eyes. "Dont you think I know that!" He scoffed at me, and I ran to the back room to put my apron on, and clock in, which for the record my apron doesn't even say my name on it. It says "Bella" but whatever.
    I walked into the back room and the first thing I noticed was my manager sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for me. Shit. "Evelyn. You've been late everyday for three weeks. Want to tell me why?" He questioned. "Well you see I-" He cut me off.
    "No. I dont want your excuses. Your fired." I was at a loss for words. "Wha- what!? You cant, But I-" He cut me off. Again. "Thats enough Evelyn. Its final. Your. Fired." I stood there staring at him, not sure how to respond. "You can leave now."

    I cant believe this! He cant just fire me like that! Well he can.. But he shouldnt have! What am I going to do now!? How am I going to be able to afford rent, or anything for that matter! I ran to my car and got in quickly, trying to start my car. Wait. Why wont the car start. Shit shit shit SHIT. I hit my head on the stearing wheel, tears starting to poor out of my eyes.
    I slowly grabbed all my stuff, and started started to walk home. It was about a 20 minute walk, but Its better than staying anywhere near that crappy gas station. Fortunately, I had a hoodie on me, so I put it on, it was black, which could be both good and bad, but either way im not sure how im going to get my car home, but I cant just stay here overnight.
    I was about 5 minutes into my walk when it started to rain. Fucking rain! Im pretty sure the universe has somthing against me.
    I was walking past this alleyway though, and stopped to grab my phone out of my bag to text and tell Ms. Jennings what happened, when I looked over to see two big men standing in the allyway. Shit. I was getting ready to run away, when they grabbed me, placing a cloth over my mouth.

    Then.. everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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