(1) UwU x Bunny ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

56 1 14

It was a gloomy day at North High School. uwu was at drivers ed,uwu was feeling gloomy
because missed bunny alot :(. She kept on think about her omega pookie bear >;D.

Bunny on the other hand was also missing uwu. her alpha. she decided she had enough. she stormed down the stairs to room 12. Alice shot her a puzzled glance as she left the lunch area. Alice was going to say something but Kapoor inturpted her by showing her reels. 😒👌👍

Bunny knocked on room 12 to save her alpha, but sadly she was greeted by a paler and buffer version of alice.Bunny was mortified at the sight.

"WHat YoU a StUDent???" said the white version of alice. bunny said "uh.. uH i jsut qwanted to see my pooks alpha!!!" she ran away back to the lunch area with tears streaming down her face. she was so upset she couldn't see her alpha. 😢😢😢😭😭

THE END ('')*: .. o(▽≦)o ..:*(●''●)(*°°*)(*/ω*)(┬┬﹏┬┬)

BYE GUYS!!! TY FOR Reading!!

question for this week: What's your favorite buddies ship? 😍🪷

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