Winter Jam

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Knuckles sat in the living room watching tv after Shadow and Bonestine had left and Zapella went to bed. He hears the door being opened and paused the show before getting up and Katherine walks in. "Oh hey hon you're still up?" She smiled as she shuts and locks the door. "Yeah because last time you came home I had to lick you up off the floor." Knuckles smirked and she rolled her eyes then noticed the slight damage wall. "What the hell happened? Did you and Sonic rough house over something stupid again?" She looks at him and he shakes his head. "Actually no. Bonestine did that when Jackson came here and tried to "talk" to our daughter" Knuckles said and Katherine's eyes widen. "Really?" She said shocked. "Yep and the way he protected her. He's earn my complete trust and full respect with our daughter." He smiled. "He really is a very good kid isn't he" she smiled. "Yes he is"

The sound of the crowd echos through the arena as the six teens prepare for their performance. Once they were given the go they head on stage in the dark for the crowd to be surprised since the band wasn't announced to open. Once the music started to play and the lights turn on the audience went crazy. While Zapella was strumming the guitar she noticed Jackson and her old bully Abby in the front row. Abby had an envious look in her eyes. Bonestine noticed them too and they both winked at each other. Once the song ends the crowd cheers. "YOU READY FOR ANOTHER SURPRISE?!" She said in the mic as the crowd screamed with excitement. "Well this next song you already heard off and this was one I kept close to my heart for a while. You see my first boyfriend wound up being a cheat and was seeing my bully behind my back." She said and the crowd boos. "Right? Well let's just say my life is better with out him and I got somebody better who is an amazing guy." She said and the crowd cheers. "I hope you all enjoy once more...Better Without You" she said and the crowd goes wild hearing the song that started their band. The song plays and the crowd sings along on some parts. Soon she winks at Jackson and Abby as she sung the final line "it makes me smile to know that I'm... I'm better without you!" Then pulls Bonestine close and kissed him at the end making the crowd cheer louder. Jackson and Abby fade into the ocean of the crowd for the rest of their part of the concert.

Once the band got back to they were greeted by familiar faces. "Great uncle Vlad!, Rowena, Darius Crystal!" Bonestine said and hugs his relatives. "You kids were phenomenal!" Crystal smiled. As the group talked Vladimir noticed the linked mark on both Zapella and Bonestine and something clicked in a mystery that's haunted him. He walks up to Knuckles and Shadow and pulled them aside. "Knuckles. Shadow may i speak with you two privately please?" He said and the two look at each other then nod. The three walked into another room and knuckles shut the door as Vladimir sat down. He chuckles looking at the two as they sat across from him. "Fate truly is a kind thing when it matters." "What do you mean?" Shadow asked. "Let me tell you both a story."

Years ago a vampire met a mortal and the two fell in deeply in love and were together for many years. One day the mortal discovered the vampire's secret wish but can only be accomplished if the vampire is linked to a mortal. But the vampire loved the mortal deep as did the mortal to the point that the mortal was going to request to be turned so the vampire wouldn't be alone. Yet on that day the mortal was going to ask the vampire linked to a mortal. With a heavy heart the mortal pushed the vampire to its link so the vampires wish could be granted. Once the vampire accepted its link Fate realized it made a terrible mistake. Both hearts were broken but their special bond faded over time yet Fate kept their love deep within their souls. Then the two had children of their own and fate linked them together once they reached the right age. Once they accepted each other the vampire now a mortal and mortal love was removed from their souls and into their children sealing the link completely and brought peace in their hearts.
Knuckles and Shaodw looked at Vladimir confused until the next thing he said made them realize the sudden struggle to breathe that night click. Vladimir smiled as he leaned forward then spoke the words."Fate made the mistake by tearing you two apart. So it fixed it by bringing Zapella and Bonestine together, giving you both peace." They looked at each other and smiled knowing that the love they once shared will forever live through their children.

Zapella and Bonestine both looked at each other lovingly then shared another kiss.


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