Chapter Nineteen: Mistakes Were Made

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"Maxamals, battle stations!" Optimus Primal declared as they all transformed into their beast modes. 

"Autobots!" Optimus Prime heroically shouted. "We.... can't quite fight." He said in realization. 

"I'll keep you guys safe." Jessica assured. 

And as Megatron entered the ship, the Maxamals and Twelve Guardian Knights ambushed him as Jessica and the Autobots ran deeper into their ship to find Starscream. 

"Starscream! We need to get out of here!" Jessica shouted as her and the Autobots neared his room. 

"Not so fast!!" The Fallen snarled as he miraculously appeared in front of them. 

Starscream walked over to the Fallen and stood beside him, his eyes a very dark purple. 


"Then how do you suggest we get out of here?!!" Scorponok shouted, getting in Blackarachnia's face. 

"Well, I wouldn't choose your stupid idea!!" She shouted back louder. 

"Break it up you two!!" The Vehicon guard shouted as he walked up close to the bars of their cell. 

The leader of the Sea Creature Maxamals tried watching from where he was. 

And at the same time, Scorponok and Blackarachnia turned to face the Vehicon guard. 

"Oh, shi-." 


The two Predacons grabbed the guard and smashed him against the bars with such force, he passed out cold. 

"And this is why the guards who are holding the keys either get fired or killed after their prisoners escape under their supervision." Blackarachnia said as she leaned over and grabbed the keys that were on the Vehicons' waist. She then swiftly unlocked their cage door. 

The Predacons were free, now all they had to do was to set the Sea Creature Maxamals free so then both groups could hopefully return back with the Autobots, Maxamals, and Big Cat Maxamals before Quintessa knew and sent more soldiers after them. 

Blackarachnia walked up to the cage lock for the Sea Creature Maxamals. But she couldn't quite see them because they were hiding in the shadows of the inside of the cage cell. 

"Okay, so, this is a request that you could accept or deny." Blackarachnia started as she put the key into the keyhole of their cage. 

"I'm listening." The shadowy figure replied as he stood up. 

"We need help in the war against Quintessa, and we are offering you and your team to come and join us with our allies." Blackarachnia explained as the door clicked open. 

"Who are your allies?" Another voice in the shadows spoke. 

"The Autobots, Maxamals, and the Big Cat Maxamals." Dinobot replied strongly. 

The inside of their cage stood quiet until the leader of the group stepped out of the shadows. 

"We will join you." He affirmed. 


"Autobots, retreat!!" Optimus Prime shouted as the Autobots and Jessica backtracked towards the others who were fighting Megatron. 

"Primal, the Fallen has returned!!" Optimus Prime shouted as he and the others ran into the main room where Optimus Primal had ripped out Megatron's spark. 

"Wait, maybe you guys can try to turn back into Cybertronians?!" Jessica offered in panic. 

"That's convincing, but how?" Hotrod then asked. 

"Where did you think you could hide?!!" The Fallen growled as he appeared behind the Autobots and Jessica. 

"LEAVE. THEM. ALOOOOONE!!!!!" Optimus Primal warned as he ran over in a quick motion and punched the Fallen square in the chest and away from the human Autobots and Jessica. 

The Fallen fell backwards and disappeared. 

"We need to get out of here before he comes back!!" Shadow pointed out. 


The ship's door was nearly pushed inward from whoever was on the other side. 

"CAN SOMEONE OPEN UP!!!???" Skylynx shouted in anger. 

Rhinox walked over to the door and let them in. 

"We have brought forth the Sea Creature Maxamals." Predaking announced as the two groups walked in. 

"HOW!??" Wheelie asked in confusion. 

"Because Quintessa captured and kept us in the same prison room as the Predacons. My name is Megalodon." The leader of the Sea Creature Maxamals explained smoothly. He closely resembled a shark even though he was skinny. 

"Why do I feel like I lost time?" Starscream asked as he walked over, holding his right hand up to his head. 

"Starscream!!" Jessica shouted as she ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Have the Autobots been able to go back to their original forms?" Darksteel asked. 

"Wow, the stupidity is finally catching up to him." Starscream said to himself. 

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!!" Darksteel shouted back. 

"Well, if you have optics, then you can clearly see that they are still human." Starscream retorted. 

"How come they didn't try turning back then?!" Darksteel asked in a shouting manner. 

"Like the human saying on Earth." Starscream began. 

"Jesus Christ, help me now." Jessica mumbled to herself. 

"Success is just a step towards failure. I think that's how it goes." Starscream said. 

"That doesn't quite make much sense." Pod said, he was one of the Sea Creature Maxamals that resembled an octopus. 

"But isn't he a Decepticon?" Click asked, he looked like a dolphin. 

"I don't know. The alliances these days are freakish." Zap replied, he resembled a jellyfish. 


"Quintessa, they have escaped." The Fallen informed as he appeared in the control room with her. 

"Who escaped? Be more specific." Quintessa demanded, still staring at the monitors in front of her. 

"The Predacons and Maxamals." He repeated. 

"HOW?!! I sent Megatron to guard them!!" Quintessa shouted in anger. 

"Megatron was trying to kill the Autobots, but the Maxamals killed him." The Fallen laughed. 

Quintessa thought to herself for a moment before she spoke again. 

"He went to kill the Autobots but got killed by the Maxamals instead?" Quintessa asked in interest as she turned to face the Fallen. 

"The Autobots were incapable." The Fallen said.

"Incapable meaning?!" Quintessa urged. 

"They are human." 


"So, how were you able to turn into a human in the first place?" Megalodon asked, staring in confusion at the Autobots. 

"It is a long story, but I suppose that I could explain." Optimus Prime replied. 

The ship shook from side to side. 

Quintessa had found them. 

And she had an army with her. 

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