Painted Skins | Ricky Olson

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Author's Note:
Hello, Hello! It's me again!
This oneshoot chapter is new. Which I wanted to try something much different that my other two oneshots that I have written for this Oneshot collection book!

Content Warning:
This oneshot contains smut.

Oneshot Summary: Clara is Dating Ricky. Ricky came home neck, and arms painted black and the have sex in the shower.

Word Count: 2,796

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Clara had been in the midst of tidying up her room, a task made all the more challenging by the aftermath of her earlier attempt at outfit. She had spent what felt like ages rummaging through her closet, trying to settle on the perfect ensemble for her outing with her older sister earlier that day. Eventually, she had managed to settle on an outfit, but the resulting mess in her room was undeniable.

As Clara continued to tidy, she couldn't help but wonder how an hour had slipped away so quickly. "Did me cleaning my room take a whole hour?" she mused aloud, a hint of disbelief in her voice. Yet, as she surveyed the now-spotless space, she couldn't deny the satisfaction of a job well done.

Just as Clara finished straightening up, she heard the sound of a car pulling up outside. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized it must be Ricky, her boyfriend, arriving as he had texted earlier. Anticipation bubbled within her as she waited for his arrival, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Moments later, Clara's sister Lizzy's voice echoed from downstairs, calling out the exciting news. "Your boyfriend's here!" she exclaimed, her words carrying a sense of excitement and anticipation. Clara's heart raced with excitement as she heard Ricky's footsteps making their way up the stairs, drawing closer to her bedroom door.

Before she could even respond, a gentle knock sounded from the other side of the door, accompanied by Ricky's familiar voice. "Can I come in?" he asked, his tone laced with anticipation and eagerness. Clara's heart swelled with affection at the sound of his voice, and without hesitation, she called out, "Of course, Ricky! Come on in!"

"Hi!" Ricky exclaimed, his smile stretching from ear to ear as he greeted Clara. The sight of her filled him with a warmth that spread from his heart to every corner of his being. Though he was genuinely happy to see his girlfriend, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nerves, wondering if she could sense his excitement.

Clara returned Ricky's smile with equal fervor, her heart swelling with affection at the sight of him. She cherished these moments with him, each one feeling like a precious gift. Despite any worries or stresses that may linger in the back of her mind, Ricky had a way of melting them all away with just a smile.

"So, how was band practice?" Clara inquired, eager to hear about Ricky's day and the details of his band's rehearsal. She was genuinely interested in his passion for music and always found herself captivated by his enthusiasm. "It went really well," Ricky replied eagerly, his eyes lighting up as he recounted the highlights of the practice session. "We worked on some of the newer songs, including the one you love. It was amazing to play it again, and Chris even gave me some tips on screaming vocals, which was a blast. But, uh, I do need to shower because I am covered in black paint from testing out this new grease paint" he added with a chuckle, gesturing to his neck and arms.

Clara couldn't tear her eyes away as Ricky headed towards the bathroom, the anticipation of his impending shower sending a flutter of excitement through her veins. She lingered in the doorway, watching as he pushed open the bathroom door, leaving it slightly ajar. With bated breath, she tiptoed closer, careful not to make a sound, her curiosity getting the better of her.

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