Just Ask Her Out

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Big Eugene's Furniture Store. Haines, Alaska. A week later.

Jesse had found himself to be in an unexpectedly good mood after grabbing milkshakes with the waitress Maya Riley. She was beautiful and good company. Despite how much his work buddies had been egging him on, Jesse hadn't slept with Maya after their first date. After the way those asshole truckers had tried to put their grimy hands on her perfectly plump ass, the absolute last thing that Jesse wanted to do was to treat Maya like a cheap slut.

Even though he knew that it would be better for all parties involved to keep her at a serious distance, Jesse had a mighty need to see Maya Riley again. To see her eyes and hear her laugh. To imagine his hands roaming through her head of blonde hair and along her pleasantly plump figure.

Jesse tried damn hard to resist the urge to make Maya his in every sense of the word. He was a broken shell of a man who had only just begun to put what little pittance of his life remained back together. The last thing that he wanted was to subject an innocent and beautiful woman to his massive baggage and the trauma that filled it.

Despite the logical reasons that Jesse had for keeping Maya Riley at arm's length, the longing that he had for her was a real bitch to resist. The pestering from his co-workers did not exactly help matters. They had seen how happy Jesse had looked when he was on his milkshake date with Maya and the idea that he wouldn't want to take her to bed was mind boggling to them.

"Bro Eli, you have got to tap that Maya chick." Manny Hills said as he was helping Jesse work on putting a bed frame together after the finishing that Greg had applied to it.

"I don't know, yo." Jesse said as he tried to put the head board in place while Manny held the main frame for him.

"Don't know, we've been going there for lunch almost every day Eli." Rodrick Farrell commented as he was hammering nails into a dresser drawer. "We've all seen how Maya looks at you, she looks at you like she's starving and you're a white cake either whipped frosting. That girl is starving for some of that Eli Driscoll."

"Rodrik, do us all a huge favor and keep it in your pants; as for you, Eli, quit the pussy fitting around and ask that girl out already." Greg Jefferson remarked with chuckle, earning the same reaction from everyone else.

"Yeah, Maya ain't going to take a trip down your schlong and winding road." Manny remarked, earning more laughter from the other workers at Rodrik's expense. Unfortunately, that was the exact moment that Big Eugene happened to walk into the room.

"What in the Hell is going on in here?" He asked in his trademark gruffly voice.

"We was just telling Ol' Eli here to put some hair in those balls of his and ask Maya Riley to be his girl." Rodrick said as he pulled out his flask and took a swig of whiskey. "Assuming that he got any balls to put hair on, that is."

"Maybe they ain't descended yet?" Manny teased with a smirk.

"If anyone ain't got any balls around here' it be the 2 of you; based on how many broads you screw on a nightly basis." Big Eugene snapped, earning a belly laugh from Greg. "Nevertheless, these knuckleheads are right: the sooner you take her out, the better. Now, if you boys ain't back to work on 5 minutes, I'm docking a buck from your pay. You know me, you know I'll do it."

"Ok boys, all of you back to work." Greg insisted as Jesse, Rodrik, and Manny went back to the furniture.

The Icy Bear Cafe. Haines, Alaska. The next day.

As Jesse pulled his station wagon up to the Icy Bear Cafe, the words of his co workers kept buzzing around in his head like nasty ass flies. So, against his better judgment, Jesse went back to the cafe after work the following day to get that date.

He walked inside and saw that it was busy for the dinner rush; he was going to have to wait to make his move on the plump blonde, so he sat down at the front counter and ordered himself a cup of coffee. The waitress who wasn't the one he longed for brought him a cup of black coffee, as he preferred and was moving onto the next average Joe on the counter until Jesse gently tapped the table with his spoon.

"Is Maya working tonight?" Jesse inquired.

"She's on break, but she'll be back." The waitress remarked as Jesse sipped on his coffee while he waited. After a few minutes, Jesse smiled as he caught a glimpse of Maya of in the back of the kitchen. She was looking beautiful and and talking to the chef. His smile quickly turned to a frown when he saw Maya plant a big wet kiss on the chef's cheek.

Jesse was angry, then stunned, then defeated in that order. Clearly, he had waited too long and Maya had snagged another dude. Or perhaps she and the cook had been together the entire time and he'd been taken for a ride. It didn't really matter anymore; Maya was off the market and he intended to take his defeat graciously. He pulled a 10 dollar bill out of his wallet, laid it on the table, and left the diner as the Alaskan snowy night let out a mournful sounding wail.


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