The new student

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School bells were ringing students were running around like crazy to find there classes and me, the freshman, the nerd, ready for a full day of exploring the world of knowledge. However, I was still in my dorm room looking for my sweater, 'Ahhhhh Haaaaa , I found it', I grabbed my bag and my glasses and ran to the collage, which was just across the street, 'fuck, it's my first day and I'm gonna be really late', I ran in the collage and people were everywhere, 'why can't people walk properly this is like the seventh time someone bumped into me', I said in my head. Enough is enough I ran into the nearest room. I found myself in the library, it was so quiet, i looked for the librarian so I could ask her where the poetry class was but I couldn't find her, 'if u looking for the librarian she isn't here', a voice behind me said. I turned around and I seen a boy he was invested in some book, I slowly walked towards him, 'hi I'm Olivia, I'm new here', 'ok good for u' he said looking down at his book,'I'm looking for the poetry class', '2nd floor next to the chemistry lab', he said still staring at his book, 'thank u' , I turned around and headed for the door , I turned back, 'what's ur name by the way?', he looked up at me and stared at me, he just stared at me, we stared at each other for a couple of seconds,'JJ , my name is JJ', 'cool', 'just by the way poetry is at 12 and rn u should have a physics lecture on string theory', 'how do u know I do physics', 'you getting late for ur class, just leave', 'where's the physics hall', 'next door, take the mad on the table next to u, its a map of the whole collage you'll be able to find ur classes with it', 'thanks JJ', he looked at me and I could see him trying to hide his smirk, I grabbed the map and ran to class, I was 20 minutes late and the teacher wasn't very happy with me.
I made it to all my classes early and the map was really helpful and then came 12 I went to the poetry class surprisingly the class was quite full I found one empty seat , there was joint tables so I sat by the window and I could feel everyone staring at me , about 5 minutes later JJ walked in, he stared at me and sat next to me, he didn't say a word and neither did I, I could still feel the whole class staring, 'if you people keep staring, yall gonna regret it', JJ said , I turned around to see everyone quickly turning their heads towards their books, JJ took a book out and started writing the words on the board, "if love was poison", that was the words on the board, the teacher walked in, 'I'm done', JJ shouted, 'no u not now sit down', the teacher smiled and look at JJ, 'good afternoon everyone, I see we have a new student', everyone looked at me, 'please dear introduce urself', she said in a sweat voice, 'uhmm hi I'm Olivia', my voice shook ' hello Olivia, I'm miss Danielle but everyone calls me Dee, Mam Dee, she smiled at me, she was the nicest teacher I've seen all day, 'now getting back to you Johnathan', she said, I looked around to see who Johnathan was turns out it was JJ if he's name was Johnathan then why did he tell me his name was JJ, I looked at him puzzled and he just glanced at me and looked at miss Dee,'Johnathan you are not done with the poem cause this isn't your topic', Johnathan stayed in silence as he stared at miss Dee, 'class you are going to be working in pairs', the whole class sighed and miss Dee giggled, 'your topic for the next 3 weeks is If Love Was a Tree,But The Tree, Is The Tree Of Life And Death, so basically you going to give me a poem of 2 pages but the twist of the poem is about a couple, one person is on the living side of the tree and the other is the on the dead side of the tree, you need to give your poem its own title and your title cannot be the same as the topic (if love was a tree,but the tree, is the tree of life and death), WHO'S READY TO GET A PARTNER?, everyone in the class sighed once again, 'the person next to u is ur partner' miss Dee said with the biggest smile on her face as she looked at me and Johnathan , 'one poem from  the whole class will be nominated and will be used in the poetry competition at the end of the season, the winners will be able to take part international and their poem will be published by the best poet in the world and on live television, so your poem has to be grand,okayyy we have 20 minutes left start planing'.
I looked at Johnathan and he didn't say anything he just stared at the topic, 'you have any ideas JJ?', 'not yet hbu?', 'I have 1', 'I'm listening', 'what if we titled the poem I Fell Inlove With A Demon and we said that he was the demon and she was alive, they fell in love and she tried everything to get him to live even going so far that her life would be at risk', 'I get what you saying, maybe it could work, meh, let's go with it' , 'cool'.
The was over and I went to my dorm room, 'today was a long day and ngl I actually had fun although Johnathan was a bit weird I have a off feeling about him, ugh it's probably just first day of school drama.'

An unfinished poemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora