If love was a tree but the tree was the tree of life and death

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'Okayyyyy another day of exploring the world of knowledge, but first breakfast and I needa shower', I got ready for collage and I wasn't ready to see JJ, he freaks me out , I ran out of the dorm room and make my way to the collage
I started to notice JJ was in all my classes but he always sat far away from me but behind me , don't know if I'm delusional or I'd he was watching me , anyways It was break for the next 3 hours so I had time to work on the poem but I didn't wanna bother him or work with him, yeahhhhh let's just say I like working alone and solo is more of my  vibe and because JJ is weird, kind of, idk anymore, I got out of the class and went down to the bleachers where it was quieter I sat under the bleachers and started working on the poem.

I fell in love with a dead boy .

He was so handsome,
So sweet,
So graceful,
He's eyes was so beautiful,
Everytime he looked in my eyes he gave me butterflies,

The problem was that he was dead,
He was a demon,

'Idk what to write' , I looked at the page and heard a creak behind me , I turned around and saw JJ he was watching me the whole time I  said the poem, I grabbed my stuff and ran as fast as I could ,as I ran I saw him watch me leave, I ran to my dorm room and never go for the rest of my classes, I just stayed in my dorm room , I never share my writing with anyone and now some weirdo heard my poem fuck. 'This day is horrible'.
I went to bed early and woke up the next day , I forced myself to class and I avoided JJ the whole day , he kept staring at me but I just focused on my work.
I did this for 3 days straight, JJ just watched me and when i looked at him he looked away, I just want to focus on my work.
Until on the 4th day I was in the library and trying to find the psychology 101 book,'Ahhhhh Haaaaa,  I found it finally', it was on the top shelf I stretched to get it and two hands wrapped around my waist from behind and pulled me, I was in shock and couldn't move, the person that grabbed me spun me around and pinned me to the wall,'JJ..,Johnathan, ughhhh... what ever ur name is, what the hell are u...., he put his and over my mouth before I could finish,'shhhhh, just shut the fuck up', he was so close to me his face inches from mine , who the hell did this think he was, I thought to myself in that moment, he took his hand off my mouth and just as i was about to lash out at him he covered my mouth again, I looked at him angrily, 'are you gonna shut up or you wanna do this the hard way,' he took his hand of my mouth again and I was gonna scream until he covered it again , I squinted my eyes and I was raging, 'guess we doing this the hard way', he pulled me closer  to him and I bit him, 'what the fuck is wrong with you , you psycho ', 'I got scared fucker', 'you know what just leave it, I'll fucking do it on my own', he said with rage and left , he left before I could ask what he wanted.
JJs words bothered me the rest of the day, 'was he talking about the poem or something else, idk', I looked everywhere for him , I checked the library , the poetry class , the chemistry lab , I even went to the bleachers, he wasn't anywhere, I finally gave up cause I had class and I didn't see him there either.
'I guess he went to his apartment or maybe somewhere else'.
I went to my dorm room cause I didn't have anymore classes and I just thought to myself, 'where could that crazy boy be, he wasn't anywhere, I think I should apologize to him , idk '.
It was 3am and I was still pondering over JJs words, 'what on earth did he mean by I'll do it myself', I give up, hopefully I'll find him tomorrow and we can talk bout it and I won't bite him this time.
It was 8 am and I got ready for class I made it to collage and JJ wasn't anywhere to be found , everyone stared at me weirdly, everywhere I went people just stared, something was up, I went to the poetry class and JJ wasn't there , I took a seat and I could feel everyone staring again , Mam Dee walked in and the attention shifted to her, 'Good morning class', she looked around the class  confused, 'where's Johnathan?' , everyone turned back to look at me , 'Olivia do you know where Johnathan is ?', 'I'm not sure miss Dee', she was confused , 'he's never absent , this is the first time ever', I looked down at my book, I'm worried about him , what If I did something wrong to him, I didn't think much of it and tried to focus on my work.
I went to the library and got the psychology 101 book, I sat at a table in the corner everything was quiet and actually peace full, I flipped through the pages and was mesmerized by everything, 'you in my spot and that's my book', a familiar voice came from behind me, I turned around , 'JJ?' , 'I hear u created havoc looking for me around the whole collage', 'nooo, I was looking for u to apologize for biting you and maybe I got worried when you didn't show up to class', 'you really are a psycho, I accept you apology now can I have my book', 'what book?', 'the psychology book, it my favorite book and i claimed it', 'my foot , I'm reading it', 'you into psychology?', 'I love psychology', he gave me that same look, from the first time he saw me, he took a seat next to me and we started talking about the book.

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