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Draco Malfoy, accompanied by his friends Mattheo Riddle and Theo Nott, found himself faced with a daring challenge. Theo, seeking to test Draco's courage, dared him to approach Elena, a girl known for her fierce attitude and unwillingness to tolerate anyone's nonsense. While other boys were intimidated by her, Draco had secretly admired her from afar for quite some time. Eager for an excuse to talk to her, he agreed to the dare, keeping his true intentions hidden, he walks over to the girl with a smirk on his face

"Hey, I'm Draco." He confidently says

"Um..hi Draco?." She answers as she dances with her best friend, Pansy

"I just wanted to say you are so beautiful... Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks

"No. Not planning on having one either so if you could fuck off that'd be great, thanks." She dismisses him

He turns to walk away but then turns back to her

"You know what? You're gonna give me a dance. You hear me? So let me show you how much I like you" he says

"And what makes you think I'd listen to you?" She crosses her arms

"Because I'm not asking. I'm demanding." The blonde boy speaks

Elena bites her bottom lip and looks over to pansy who nods at her

"Fine." She offers her hands to him but then Theo and Mattheo change it to a sexy song

Draco seized the opportunity to steal Elena away from her best friend, Pansy. As Draco and Elena took to the dance floor, their bodies moved in sync, drawing them closer with each step. In a moment of undeniable connection, they shared a passionate kiss, their hearts racing with newfound desire.

Their night together continued as Draco and Elena retreated to her dorm. Wrapped in each other's arms, they found solace and comfort in their shared intimacy.

The next morning they woke up cuddling.
However, their peaceful morning was abruptly interrupted when Elena started betting bad thoughts like 'what if he won't like me when he finds out I'm a hybrid?' And 'I wonder if he noticed it was my first time'

Draco and Elena decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation. Elena, determined to maintain her strength and independence, expressed her fear of getting too close to someone. She had experienced loss before and was hesitant to let anyone into her heart.
And wanted to protect herself from potential heartbreak.
Draco tried to encourage Elena to let go of her fears and live life more freely, he didn't expect her to react the way she did. Elena, feeling misunderstood and overwhelmed, took his words as an attack on her independence and shouted back at him. The argument escalated quickly, with both of them raising their voices and exchanging heated words.


"GET OVER YOURSELF ELENA!!" Draco shouts back

Elena's emotions got the best of her, and she let out a string of expletives, telling Draco to leave and never come back.

Draco, taken aback by Elena's outburst, stood there in shock, realizing that his intentions had been misinterpreted. He never meant to undermine her or force her into anything. In that moment, he regretted his words and wished he could take them back.

The room fell silent as the weight of their argument hung in the air. Draco, hurt by Elena's harsh words, slowly turned and walked away, giving her the space she needed. Both of them were left with a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion, wondering if they could ever recover from this heated exchange.

For some reason they both just wanted the other one to run to them, hug them, never let them go...but they never did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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