Part 1 - Losing It

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The blue lights flashed across the stage as you strummed your guitar, watching the crowd as they screamed the lyrics and reached out for Copia while he strut along the stage.

You moved forward, leaning over the edge of the stage and tilting your head at the crowd below you. They shrieked with excitement, phones filming as you ran a hand across your neck then slowly flipped them off. You leant back, returning to the middle of the stage that you shared with Rain.

You could feel a presence growing closer behind you. An arm wrapped around your hip, the other caressing your shoulder as the crowd got louder. You knew exactly who it was from the way he gripped your body. Swiss.

You ignored him, strumming at your guitar as his hand ran seductively down your arm, his body pressed firmly against yours.

It had become a challenge, whilst on stage, for Swiss to try to break your focus. He tried the same with Dewdrop, always trying to get one of you to mess up a chord or solo piece. Both you and Dew had become determined to ignore his antics. It pissed the multi ghoul off when you didn't even acknowledge his actions, something you and the fire ghoul delighted in doing.

Swiss had gotten more creative though. You could see that Dew had been close to losing it when Swiss had mimed jerking him off while biting his shoulder. The fire ghoul had managed not to miss a single chord, though he had been gripping his guitar so tightly that his knuckles had gone white. Dew had glared at Swiss for the next day, the multi ghoul sending him a cocky grin each time.

Swiss moved his hand away from your arm, sliding it across your shoulder until his hand rested around your neck, firm but not constricting. You kept your eyes focussed on your guitar, even as your skin prickled from pressure. He'd never done this before-usually it was Dewdrop that had a tendency to rest his hand on the other ghouls' throats.

A breath ghosted the side of your neck against the slip of skin that was exposed from where your clothing had slipped a tiny bit. That was the only warning you had before his mouth closed over the side of your neck.

He was biting you. Swiss was biting you.

It was hard enough for you to feel his teeth but not to leave a mark. Heat rushed through your face as your heart raced, and before you could stop it, your head had tilted back a tiny bit. You froze, forcing yourself to keep strumming the guitar in time while praying to Satan below that Swiss hadn't noticed you lean into his bite.

That he hadn't heard the tiny rush of air that escaped you.

That he hadn't noticed the way your body stiffened.

You felt him smile against your neck. Shit. Shit. You were so close to losing it, you could barely manage to keep in time with the music-

Then he bit down harder.

You missed a chord as you gasped.


His teeth stayed for a second longer-just enough time to leave a definite mark, even through the fabric, as his hand gripped your hip harder.

"Gotcha," he purred smugly in your ear.

Then he released the hand around your neck, swiping it seductively over your helmet before he headed back to his podium.

You were so thankful for the mask because your face was burning. Looking to your left you could see Dew eyeing you. He'd noticed. You were sure they had all noticed.

That bastard.

The crowd was still screaming, and by the amount of phones that were in front of you, you knew that the footage would be circling the internet for the next few days. Swiss was going to love that.

Even worse was that you knew he was going to use this new information to fuck with you both on and off stage.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

You could still feel the imprint of where his teeth had been. Where his hand had gripped your hip. It was hard to focus when Swiss had just bitten you. And you had liked it.

Barely managing to keep in time, it was a relief when the song ended and the stage was plunged into darkness.

You risked a look at the sly ghoul gripping his microphone. He grinned, teeth flashing. You flipped him off, determination rushing through you.

You were so going to get him back.

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