This is not a chapter

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I just wanted to confirm that I got permission to post this from the creator of Bandages and Salt before I start with any chapters. I also don't own pjo, hoo or bsd they go to their orignal creators which is definitely not me!

This fic is also going to be Multiple P.O.V most of it is from Dazai/Percy or Apollo but there are also some others. English is not my first language so forgive me for my grammatical errors.

My update schedule will be on Wednesdays and sometimes Saturdays. The Wednesday might be Tuesday or Thursday depending on where you live same with Saturdays The chapters might be long or short depending on how much I feel like giving you, guys. The fic starts at chapter 47 of Bandages and Salt so you kind of HAVE to read it to know what's going on, but it's really nice so I don't think anyone who hasn't read it will mind.

I don't have a beta reader if you wanna beta read this message me, additionally, I don't have a schedule right now so I'll randomly give you chapters.

My chapters will be 2000 - 8000 words, depending on how I'm feeling

By the way, this is my first work in pjo/hoo and bsd so forgive me if I get anything wrong or am awkward with the characters.

Currently going trough rewrite!

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