Chapter Two

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  OMG, This is gonna start defying the original from here. Also if you would like fewer mistakes please be my beta reader, I need one.

"Percy... or is it Osamu now?" asked Apollo, who was now in the form of a handsome teen, not in the 25-year-old form he was at the reward ceremony. He then said to Hades pointing towards me and Chuuya "I hope you don't mind but I'll be taking him and... that."

Apollo took me and Chuuya to one of his temples which was mostly intact and said "The... vessel can stay outside of the temple, you however can come in."

I nodded and said to Chuuya "Stay outside, I'm sure this will only take a bit." Me and Apollo went inside and he led me to what looked like a living room. It only had an adorned chair and couch. he gestured to the couch and I sat there, crossing one leg above the other and raised an eyebrow at him. He just smiled tantalizingly and sat down in the chair.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here, but before I answer, do you know what my domains are Percy?" asked Apollo. There had to be a but. "Of course, I know Lord Apollo they are the sun, light, healing, disease, plague, music, art, poetry, reason, knowledge, truth, and prophecy," I answered him.

"No need to call me Lord Percy, but you're mostly right, I also protect children who have yet to reach adulthood alongside my sister, moving on," said Apollo. "Do you know why I asked you Percy?" asked Apollo. I was getting tired of his questions. "Does it have something to do with one of your domains leading you to discover the true me? Knowledge and truth perhaps." I answered.

Apollo smiled at my answer, looking as if he just confirmed something. He then started to speak after a long sigh "You are partially correct, the domain which made me want to talk to you is prophecy however we will have to continue this talk later as there is somewhere both you and I have to be right now."

I was confused by his words but if it was anything like a prophecy it would eventually make sense. Apollo then said with a smile "I'll see you at camp" and left. What was with him and smiling?

Me and Chuuya went down the elevator as I told him about what Apollo said his response was "You're the brains in us, deal with him." I gasped dramatically and said, "Is Chibi admitting he's dumb?"

Chuuya looked like he was contemplating whether punching me in the elevator was a good idea. It wasn't. To move the conversation elsewhere I said "Oh look, we're here." We got off and I noticed Nico out of breath talking to Annabeth. Is this what Apollo was talking about? If so it's going to be fun.

I walked up to them and said with a bored tone "Rachel in trouble?" Nico looked at me questioningly. I just said "Apollo." "Come on I know how to get a ride." Then I started running, Chibi followed behind Like the loyal dog he is and Annabeth and Nico were just behind me. Annabeth tried and failed failed being the keyword to question me.

We eventually reached the sea and as I touched the polluted water with my hand, four hippocampi sprung forth, they were unhappy being called in such polluted water but what could I do? I gestured for the three to get on and they did.

Chuuya looked at them apprehensively I said "Their hippocampi, the horses of my father, it's safe to get on"

Aa soon as I said it was safe he got on without hesitation. He shouldn't trust me as easily as he did but we were partners We started our journey towards Long Island. Nico and Annabeth were still tense but Chuuya looked like he was having fun, seeing him smile and putting his hands in the water as we travelled on the hippocampus made me happy that he was having fun.

We reached Long Island in record timing and Annabeth wasted no time in getting to Rachel after Argus does he also have eyes on his feet, how does he walk however  I had no time to mull over that thought and Annabeth, started being dramatic. I suppose Athena is related to Zeus, gods why does my divine family have to be so dramatic?  She then started running and I just and looked towards Chuuya and Nico, sighed for what seemed to be the nth time that day and gestured to run after her.

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