Chapter One

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A/N - For dumb people don't worry I was like you once POV means point of view and A/N means author note I'll bold both the POV and the A/N if they come up. If anything is in italics then it's flashbacks or afterthoughts. It's like something you can understand the story without reading most of the time. This is gonna be pretty similar to the Bandages and Salt for the starting I AM NOT COPY PASTING OR PARAPHRASING THEIR WORDS. If it was a school assignment though would probably paraphrase words from Wikipedia

It's gonna start going against the canon of the fic near the end this is kind of just the foundation I have so I can start the world-building. I spent a lot of nights I couldn't sleep thinking of plot bunnies in here, so I will feel pretty insulted if anyone calls me a copycat or something

If I have anything to include which is important to the story or just a fun comment I'll include it like this-

I have to include something[1]

[1] Including something

Please comment I LOVE feedback and if you have any ideas, questions or things you'd like me to include ask away

Dazai/Percy POV

  The award ceremony started a few hours after the wounded and fallen were taken care of and Olympus was restored enough that I could recognize it from the time I was twelve and came to return Zeus's lightning blot. However now it looks more run down. I remembered Kronos promise "I'll tear it down, brick by brick!" He hadn't been able to. They tried to kill me back then, would they still try now? I knew that they wouldn't, not after everything I had done for them but things were so different back then, yet I remained a tool for the gods. I guess some things will never change I thought amused.

  The god's mostly Hades and Apollo were pleased with their children or child in Hades case as was Artemis with her hunters being mostly alive. Though I wasn't too sure about Nico, that kid looked more dead than me and he was only 12. Wait! Was I going soft? It seemed as though it wouldn't take as much convincing as I had thought to get some of the gods to basically pay their child support. They owed us that much.

  As Zeus gave us a half-assed speech, I thought about wanting to thank Artemis for helping me when I was with Mori... I remembered how I prayed to her, begging her to help me feel none of this, to be numb to it all, to not feel. She answered and I was able to dissociate for the rest of it. I stopped disassociating after a while but I was genuinely thankful for her for it. That was shocking in itself,  an inhuman being being thankful.[1]

  Zeus rewarded his daughter, Thalia first. I wasn't even surprised, why would I expect me or anyone else's rewards first? Knowing him he would give me my reward  last. He promised to fill up the ranks of the fallen hunters and make sure that all of them would go to Elysium, he added the latter after some glaring from Artemis. It was rather funny when he looked like someone who had his childhood dream stolen from him when Thalia went to Artemis, not him.

  He then called forth Tyson my half-brother. I felt Chuuya's gaze for the first time since we entered the throne room come towards me but I just shook my head at him and mouthed later. I knew he found it annoying but it was fun to tease him. I fixed my gaze back on the Cyclops as he was given his rewards I was happy for him. Me a demon happy for someone? How laughable. He deserved to do something he loved not being stuck in the mines where he was slowly losing his spirit.

  Grover was next and he was awarded by Dionysus the now vacant seat on the Council of Cloven Elders.

  He fainted.

  I had to stop myself from laughing. I did just that while keeping a straight face. Chuuya looked like he was having a harder time. Dionysus sighed and then told someone to inform him again when he woke up, he was then promptly dragged out of the throne room. Were all meeting like this with the gods, no wonder they were so useless.

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