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In conclusion, [Name]'s ability was stronger than Dazai's. Much stronger, so that [Name]'s canceled out his.

The experiment started out really simple: testing what kind of singularity happens when they come into contact. Nothing. Then they gave each of them something, which was made using Kunikida's ability while still holding hands. Dazai couldn't "destroy" the object, but [Name] could. What if they gave it to Dazai first, then [Name]? Will the result change? Dazai's ability didn't nullify Kunikida's at all, but [Name]'s did.

The next day, Ranpo didn't show up to work - again. Everyone knew where he was, but no one dared to disturb him. The only thing left unkown was the reason behind his absence. [Name] heard rumours about it, such as that he was absolutely dumbfounded by the fact, that there is an ability, which could nullify Dazai's nullification ability, and that it caused him to need some time alone. Probably trying to deduce why it's happening.

It was a Sunday morning today, so it meant that there is no work today.

[Name] just got out of bed. They had no idea where they were for a moment, but after realizing how dumb that sounded, they went out from their room. Still need some time to get used to the new environment.

They expected to see Fukuzawa to watch the tv on the couch, read the newspaper, or do some other father stuff. [Name] didn't even know if he even had a child before. Is he really a father then, or just a random man who took in a child? They shook their head. 'I shouldn't wonder about these things... Would it be really that impolite if I would ask it tho?'

As they got to the living room, they saw Fukuzawa by the dinner table along with a bunch of papers. He was working. 

'Does this dude ever rest? I don't think so.'


"Good morning." Fukuzawa looked up for a moment.

There was already food on [Name]'s seat.

"Thank you." [Name] smiled. The man murmured a 'You are welcome'. "Why are you working, if I may ask? It's seven o'clock on a Sunday morning."

"Why are you asking?" the man's voice wasn't mean or irritated, simply just curious, but it made the kid feel like they asked something they shouldn't have.

"Nothing... Nevermind."

The kid turned away while eating the cereal infront of them. The atmosphere started to get more and more awkward. They had no idea how the man next to them is feeling. 'I wonder if he's as uncomfortable as I am...'

Their eyes wandered around the room, trying to find something that could start a conversation. They just turned on the tv instead.

It was on an action movie.

[Name] haven't seen it before, so they gave it a try. They didn't even know what was it about. The crew was currently fighting over something, mentioning 'betrayal' and 'secret spy' a lot of times. 

'Are they talking about that someone is working with the enemy?..... Yeah, probably.'

[Name] could see Fukuzawa slightly looking up from the paperwork to check what they are watching and if it is appropriate for them. He didn't say a word, though.

"The main character is hella dumb." the kid spoke up randomly. "She deserves to get betrayed."

"Hm? How come?" Fukuzawa asked with curiousity in his eyes. He put away the documents. "You know who the spy is?"

"Yeah. That guy with the grey sweater." they pointed at the man. "He gesticulates much more than the others, even if he is not the one being suspected. He tries to prove he is with the main character too much. All the others are calm because they know they aren't the betrayals, but that dude wants to make sure everyone believes him." they sighed. "The characters are dumbasses. It's so obvious!"

Déjà Vu// bsd X Child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now