CHAPTER 1 : Dawn to Bonds.

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The conference hall buzzed with anticipation as Shifa Arora, stepped up to the podium.

"Good morning, everyone," she began, her voice clear and confident. "It's a pleasure to have each of you here today. My name is Shifa Arora, and I'm proud to represent InnoTech Solutions as we unveil our latest innovation."

As applause filled the room, Shifa continued, "Today, we're introducing our collection of robots with artificial intelligence, designed to mimic human behavior and interactions. This project has been a culmination of hard work and dedication from the entire team at InnoTech."


Story from beginning:

The morning dawned with a gentle warmth filtering through Shifa's window, casting a soft glow across her room. that's when a familiar ringtone shattered the peaceful silence, which actually her own phone.

"Shifa, where the hell are you? Don't tell me you forgot about the meeting today," Shanaya's voice came through with an edge of impatience.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Shifa replied, "No, I'm just stuck in traffic. I'll be there in five. Bye."

"With a hurried glance at the clock, Shifa scrambled to get ready. "Oops, can't believe I forgot about the meeting," she muttered to herself as she hastily selected an outfit. "Ah, my feet! Note to self: rushing leads to mistakes." (jaldi ka kaam shatan ka kaam)."

Let me introduce myself "I am Shifa, Shifa Arora. 24 year basically my family belongs from India but my upbringing held in London so I always lived in London. Have the most luxurious life. But I guess it's name of life that once can't get everything in this life so, I have to give up on family. My family died in an car accident 2 years ago lefting me all alone, it still hurts like a fresh cut but here I talk about you will always get an alternative like I do have (Masi) my boss actually her name is Sushmita Chopra but close crew calls her Masi basically Masi is an Hindi word which means aunt from mother side. When I join her firm my parents were so happy that at least India will stay in my nerves while working with her, she started to begin a part of family and that's when I left alone she did help me to again joint the broken pieces of myself. Other than I am an computer engineer it feels good to work with machines putting feeling a little life in that pieces feels good well I really love it."

Arriving at the office, I was taunted by my best friend and colleague, Shanaya. "It's 9:30 already? Weren't you stuck in traffic when I called you at 9:00?" Shanaya said in teasing tone.

I rolled my eyes on her statement to just ignore it. "When is meeting going to start?" I enquired from her in eager to get the day underway.

"Thanks to Masi's leniency, the meeting has been postponed until tomorrow," Shanaya replied, raising her eyebrows in amusement.

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've used the extra sleep," I groaned.

That's when I hear someone clearing her throat. "Ahem! Miss Shifa, do you seriously think that this behavior of yours is acceptable in this firm? Today I favour you just because of the firms reputation. You better be on time next time. Let's go for coffee date." And here's where my sweetest Masi do a blunder during her acting. "You mean our coffee meeting, Miss Sushmita. I just go and grap my bag." I quickly over come the situation.

We went out I began to laugh hard "Masi you got zero in acting skills. (Banda Sahi sa tu dantay) At least you scold properly."

"Uff it's so hard to scold you. You know that na but, what I can do I have to show some of my power over employees to balance."

"Yeah yeah I know but why all of sudden coffee plan?" I enquiry from her.

She see me intensionally then speak. "Because I want to know what's inside of that pretty heads of yours. That you don't even wake up by my calls."

"Nothing is inside it Masi don't worry. Let's go for coffee." I faked my behavior but she stopped me while walking and said "you were at club last night am I right Shifa?"

"Masi! You know na when I got out of control I needs drink that's why." I try to protect me because she doesn't like me drinking in regular days mostly.

"Then why doesn't you call me? We drank together." When Masi said those words I got shocked for a second then she ask me by raising her eyebrows like why am I shocked.
"Masi seriously. I mean you would drank with me. It just crazy." I chuckled.

"So what! Next time call me I need a pack too." She said more like an order.

"Okay." I giggled and that's when we reached coffee parlour.

The regular coffee parlour where we like always came whenever I got late. Then Masi protects me and bring me here. We both like's coffee of this place and I really enjoy the peace in this enviroment.

"Well Shifa really I cover up for you today but darling kindly be on time tomorrow."

"Masi! (Bhut hwa secret ab Bata bhi do aisa Kon hai jis ka Sath meeting itni zaroori hai) enough with the secret, now tell me, with whom the meeting is?" I irritatedly said.

"The meeting is with the person who first called me 'Masi' and then everyone else." She said with a twist.

"Wait, wait, let me think a little. First time when you met mom you said that she is like your sister so that I can call you Masi. So that means he is your sister's son, Am I right Masi?"

"Your parents will be proud of you right now after all you are understanding Indian culture." She giggled coz she knew how mom will be proud right now.

"They were happy since I join you." I said with a proud smile that my family was happy with me. "By the way, why a meeting with your nephew?"

"He's soon going to direct InnoTech Solutions India branch. He's coming for overview. He doesn't like being late so try to be on time. I want him to understand how valuable you are to InnoTech." She said with concerned.

"Okay Masi. Just for you, I will be on time. Otherwise you know I don't care about other's opinion." I said with rolling eyes she just smile over my statement. Then we did a little chitchat over coffee.

After coffee date, I directly went to my place I want to rest so that I can be able to be on time tomorrow.

Feeling's Of Human !حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن