Chapter 11: The Dance

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"Damn Vaggie you look hot!" I exclaimed, staring wide eyed at the woman before me. Vaggie was dressed in this mini nighty shirt. "Emmie please, it's just pajamas." She had a slightly embarrassed look to her at the compliment. "I know isn't she just incredible." Charlie gushes wrapping her arms around Vaggie from behind snuggling into her neck. Vaggie flushed a bright red looking away "Charlie please,"

"Hmm, not too shabby Vagina." Angel smirks looking her up and down. Everyone was looking good. Charlie was wearing her silky red pajamas that clung to her body like a second skin, Angel was in some hot pink booty shorts and a tight pink tank top.

I swear everyone here was just fucking hot. I was dressed in some baggy gray sweatpants and an oversized black sweatshirt. My hair was pulled up out of my face in a bun with strands falling in my eyes. I loved wearing my bum clothes but standing here now maybe I should have dressed up a bit? Meh, probably not.

Angel and I made our way to the couch and got settled in our seats. Angel was scrolling through his phone or my phone or someone's phone. I don't know. "I got the snack station all set up!" Charlie giggles, zooming to the couch and sliding in beside me. "Nice, lets start this!" Charlie and I snuggled up together and Vaggie pressed play.

Right off the bat this play was hilarious. Angel who was mostly on his phone even let out a few laughs. This just felt so wholesome, like we were already a family staying up late watching a movie together, trying not to be so loud to wake the parents (though in this case I'd say Alastor was the dad).

I wasn't sure when or how Angel got Charlie's phone but when the man jabbed me in the ribs with a triumphant smirk on his lips I was surprised.

He scrolled through her phone for two minutes somehow cracking her passcode (note to self tell Charlie to change her password) and adding the numbers into my new phone. I knew I had to message Lucifer, I felt a sense of terror. I wanted to message him. I wanted to see how he was doing and apologize profusely for my disappearance.

He seemed so sweet and excited. He probably wasn't used to people treating him like a normal person. So I knew I had to message him soon but what would I say? How would I word it? The movie was completely forgotten at that moment.

My thumbs would write messages and completely erase them before I just gave up and quickly sent the next one.

Me: Hey Lucifer, it's Emilia. We met at the hobby shop the other day.

I bite my bottom lip just waiting for a response, maybe he wouldn't even see it. Maybe he didn't remember me? There were so many possibilities that its stressing me out. I toss my phone on the table. I can't just trust that he'll respond. He might be asleep.

Taking a breath I look back at the screen. The movie was almost over. Vaggie and Charlie were snuggled up looking sleepy but content. It wouldn't be long till they head to bed.


My phone buzzed, all I could do was zero in on that device on the table. Would he remember me? Would he be mad? Biting my bottom lip my hand shook as I reached for the device. His name on full display, but oh lordy I was terrified. What if he was mad at me?

Lucifer: Oh, I'm surprised you reached out.

Me: I wanted to apologize for how I disappeared last we saw each other. I can't control when I'm summoned unfortunately.

All I could hope was that he understands. Looking over at Charlie and Vaggie I found them dozing in each others arms. They looked so cute. Snapping a quick picture I was happy to see them be so precious together. I may send it to Lucifer but I also might just keep it for myself.

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