World building (introduction)

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You don't need to read this if you don't want to. I just don't know if we'll ever get to explaining all of this.

charicter building

Kelly Scott (He/She/They) (Lesbian) (Ace card) (loves the nighttime) (is an idiot) (has anxiety) (occasionally less-then-willing to use words, knows ASL and BSL) (Knows 5 languages, three verbal, and two visual)

World Building & Background

Kelly is from Peet's world. Her family migrated to the doctors world during the very beginning of the time war, when crossing parallel worlds was simple. They wanted a more peaceful place to raise their daughter, due to the war that their race was facing, a civil war, to decide what faction was to lead their race, after the death of the great leader, Och Kal sun.

They left and did what they came to do, live, (laugh) love, grow.

They thought that because their daugh×ter had only lived on their home planet, they could lock her memories in her locket and hide away all of her so that she could gain a new, unburdened life. This only worked for so long.

On the day of the accident, Mark was in the car with her parents. They were driving back from school because Mark had missed the bus, it was raining heavily and the roads were full of people rushing to get home, it just so happens that one of those people lost controle of their car and hydroplaned into their car and sent them flying over the edge of a bridge. ( M blames themself for this event and has a strong fear of drowning to this day.)

When the emergency rescue got to them, Mary, John, and the other driver were deceased. Too far gone. They rushed M into surgery, where his heart stopped, twice. M awoke multiple weeks later to find that a certain man had taken interest in her and wanted to take her home with him. A certain Vanstaten.

After finding out about her mysterious survival, the rich man wanted to investigate her for signs of immortality. She was not immortal. She was, however, very good at escaping the minimal restraints put on her. She ran away to find refuge, only to find out that the nearest city was days away.

He tried to reach the city, surviving on cactus water and the odd rock or two to sleep under during the day. (Yes, she did have SOME sense.)

On the third day of searching, in vain for a sign of civilization, she sat under a flat rock, looking at her locket. As she looked at the blue jewel adorning the front of the locket, the words of their mother came to them, 'some things are so much more than ordinary, not because of what they are, but because of what they hold inside.'

She decided to try and open the locket, even though she knew it to be broken. She gasped as she saw gold particals float around her head. When the paricals touched her, he felt a small shock. It's not painful but welcoming. Soon, a large group of golden paricals enters their head, thought the orbital cavities. (Eyesockets, to all the normal people who read fanfics...)

They, overcome with information, blackout. They take their most natural form, the serpent. (Yes, M shape-changes. Yes, there are rules and regs for this power.) Vanstaten's men find an unusually coloured giant snake on the side of the road, and I thought at least "Boss man can have some fancy boots."

(Something to explain, M has heterochromia of she scalp, or naturally multicolored hair. Most of it it black, except for the very front of the scalp in the center between the eyes, and ending before the midpoint of the top of the head, the hair is pure white. Imagen like a skunk pattern. This patterning can be seen in whichever form they take, entirely black with a stripe of white that doesn't quite go down the whole head of the creature or person. Also, M can look like anyone at any time, choose whoever the hell you want, or, if more comically convenient, have their appearance change to fit the situation.)

This is how we get to where we are when they meet the doctor. Information about the planet that she is from will be in a separate chapter, because I want to give my single follower something fun to read after so graciously gifting me with their best I should only do that much I return. I see you -Bellerose-. Ur cool. You are the only willing participant.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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