Hasta manana trigger

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I walked back downstairs to Agnetha.

Oh my gosh honey.

Look Fernando wasn't happy and he beat me up at school.

What else?
You're not telling me the whole truth.
He called me a stupid bitch.
I'm going to find that boy and wrestle him to the ground.

Agnetha no.

Agnetha yes.

She took Frida and I to her car.

Sure enough we ended up at Fernando's house.

What did you do to her?
I gave her what she deserves.

Agnetha wrestled him to the floor. 
I will never get off of you.

Get off.
No way punk.

Agnetha I can't breath.
Fernando started to cry.

What's the matter honey?

My parents this morning they told me they don't love me and then when Kennedy said we can't date I lashed out. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight I'd never want to hurt her. She's my best friend the only one who truly understands me for me.

Fernando why didn't you call me?
You know you can reach out to Frida and I anytime you need.

I'm just so disappointed in you for what you said to Kennedy.

I know Agnetha.
I'll call you whenever I need.

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