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My phone rang aggressively.

It's five in the morning who's calling me this early?

Agnetha I heard panic. 
Agnetha it's Fernando. My parents are drunk and they hurt me. 

Sweet pea come on over.
But it's early.

Sweetie come over it's okay I'm here for you.

Soon he was in the house.
He was shaking like crazy.

His eyes were red and puffy from crying.
You poor thing.
I know you aren't my biggest fan so thank you for letting me stay here.

I gently kissed his cheek.
He was cold and shivering like a lost puppy.

He fell asleep on the couch as I found him a blanket to cover him with.

I'm sorry this happened to you honey.
And you're wrong I don't hate you.

You're like an eagle who's going to soar through this and win.
Stay here as long as you need to honey.
Stay here as long as you need.

The winner takes it all Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat