Little Wels 1

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Character(s): Wels, Xisuma 
Who's the little/cg: Little- Wels, CG- Xisuma 
What's their little age range: 5-7 
Angst/Fluff/Hurt-Comfort: fluff, little bit of hurt-comfort? 
Scenario: Little Wels woke up to a nightmare in the middle of the night and sought out some company. Xisuma was awake! 

Wels is a shapeshifter and he unintentionally shifts his body to match his mental age. 


   Wels shot up in bed, tangled in is duvet, sweating and drying tears on his face. He scrubbed at his face and spent the next two minutes blindly untangling himself from his blanket. After tumbling from the bed, the little knight picked up his communicator. Flinching at the bright backlight, he messily typed a message in chat. 

|Welsknight: any1 wake? 
|impulseSV: goin to bed now 
|Xisuma: i'm up, gonna be for a while 
|Welsknight: i come 

   Without waiting for a reply, the knight made his way out of his room, carrying his communicator since he had no pockets since he didn't have clothes that fit his little body. It was a slow trek since it was dark and the knight hadn't yet gotten to lighting up all of the neighborhood yet, but he eventually made it to the admin's current project; the villager trading hall. 

   As expected, the admin was there, but he wasn't building. It looked like he was waiting. When they saw the little, they stood up and sped walked over to the entrance, where the sleepy little was standing. The admin crouched, but didn't touch the little. They were all too familiar with the tantrums he'd throw when touched without asking. "What's wrong? It's really late for you, isn't it, Sunflower?" 

   Wels didn't respond right away, but he let his communicator drop and lifted his arms. "Bad dweam.." Xisuma reached out and lifted the little at the motion, picking up and pocketing the dropped communicator in the process. "Do you wanna talk about it or go back to bed or just chill out?" The little buried his face in the admin's shoulder with a quiet and sleepy whine. "Nu uh. Stay wif suma." 

   Xisuma nodded and placed down an enderchest, rifling around in it before pulling out a shulker box with Wels' favorite little items. "Suma buil.." The admin was already halfway through grabbing Wels' new moth themed blanket and sippy cup. "I don't wanna ignore you though, Saturn." The little made a small grabby hand for the blanket while the admin poured some of the chorus juice they make into the sippy cup. "No ignore. I stay here n suma build." 

   "Do you mean piggy back while I work on the hall?" The little nodded as he took the sippy cup that was offered to him. "I think I can do that. I can't hold you so let me find your wrap. It's in here somewhere." The little nodded again and laid his head on Xisuma's shoulder, sipping on the juice quietly. It was sweet, surprisingly so for it being the bitter chorus fruit, but not too sweet and didn't give the little a jittery feeling that sugar usually did. 

   Once Xisuma found the wrap, a dark blue fabric with some golden hand stitching along the edges, they helped the little climb onto their back before wrapping the wrap under his bottom and around his shoulders. They wrapped it a couple more times, and once the little was secure enough he wouldn't slip out, Xisuma put the shulker box back in his enderchest and mined it up. 

   While the admin worked and talked to the little about his plans, they noticed that the little was falling asleep against his back. A smile made its way across their face as they took the now empty sippy cup from the little despite his quiet protests, and replaced it with a small moth stuffed animal that had a crocheted lamp that Cleo made him. It didn't actually glow or emit light, but it matched his moth so he was happy when she showed him it. 

   Xisuma didn't ask about Wels' "bad dream" and Wels drifted back to sleep against their back. Once the little was fully asleep, Xisuma placed down a bed and moved the sleeping Wels into the bed. He kept working but stayed close to the bed until he got tired and eventually went to sleep himself, the little cuddling into their side comfortably. 


Okay.. admittedly not my best work 
but hey, trying new things! 
i'm personally a regressor, but for some reason i've pretty much always struggled writing little stuff? i don't know why, but i do- 

But anyway! 
here's the first one, a very self indulgent one that i spent three separate days on so it might not flow properly- 
but after this, i'll be working on requests i promise! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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