Everyday I'm shuffling 😭

9 0 0

Cameras flashed all around him. The blinding lights and pressure of being fine straining his mind. It was all too much really.

His husband was gone. Dead. He would never be back. It's not like the public knew this, but it still hurt. It hurt to be fine for them. To stay quiet as the haters insulted his late lover.

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

Something clicked.

It doesn't matter.

Dabi felt a true smirk grow on his face, a blinding manic sun compared to the perfect plastic it was before.

A small fan stood in the crowd. Long pink hair and pale skin. He looked to be around age 10. Not quite ripe. Unable to tell the difference between mental and friendly.

The fan reached out over the bars and grabbed Dabis hand. A wide smile crossed the child's face as dabi turned to look at him. Without hesitation the boy pulled out his toilet shaped purse, inside was his pet dawg Jamarcus. He handed the purse to Dabi with joy.

Dabi set the purse on the ground before pulling his pants down and guttural moaning as he shits out the most sloppiest goofiest silliest wettest stinkiest crap onto the dog. Jamarcus used to be a white dog. Not anymore.

...... 10 months later........

Dabi sighed as the memory resurfaced. A tear falls down his face. What the fuck is wrong with him. He lost his husband so he traumatized a young child?!? For all he knows that child could grow up and pop out of toilets. He was useless utterly useless. He was honestly one bad day away from ending it all.

He shook his head. He shouldn't think like that. Light wouldn't want this, just like he wouldn't have wanted those four semi trucks to crush him at an intersection. With a new resolve to life Dabi stood up.

And his gyatt swung around and broke everything in the house.

At least it wasnt like the last house. He'd been staying with a friend for that one. His friend had vials of meth and beakers of fentanyl as he was a drug dealer. The only reason Dabi survived is cause his fat ass jiggled and tickled as it soulfully protected him from the explosion.

He sighed as he exits the house in his moldy sweatpants and a dank mask.

He wore the mask because the public hadn't been so nice since the shit purse. And especially not since he slept with the president.

(His breath also smelt like motor oil because he smoked that shit like it was steak.)

He needed to get groceries. He's only eaten spare tires for the past couple days and he was starting to shit red.

He had no money since his most recent wallet roommate, quantavious the drug spider was smashed. 😉

"I guess I'll just have to pick pocket a stranger, maybe I can distract them with my krusty krab smelling bussy."👄

He nods and turns to the stairs only to see his neighborhood grandma standing absolutely flabbergasted next door.

He looks at her like she's trash. He turns towards the stairs expecting her to go inside and gossip to her gurls or whatever.

A throat clears before grandma rapidly starts roasting.
" The fuck you looking at bald headed nasty ass bitch, shouldn't your ugly rusty ass be shitting in some kids bag?"



Tears fall down Dabis face as he rushed down the stairs. He only makes it two stairs before absolutely fucking snapping his boney ass kneecaps, the celebrity diet hadn't worn off.

Bakugo x Child reader female y/nWhere stories live. Discover now