I met her in Chicago but she didn't meet me (Obama's Diray)

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I knew i was bound to being alone but it was truly cruel of the universe to take the one person who cared for me and make them hate me.

Oh Peppa..this isn't anyone's fault but the world. Maybe it is kind of your fault for being so sensitive. Seriously, you make one joke about hit and running her dad and she starts the waterworks. "You ruined my family!" Ok and? "You went to far, why the hell would you sleep with me pappa?!?" Cause it was funny?

Seriously take a chill pill.

Its ok though because ill accept you, even if you are a dramatic bitch. 

That's another thing, she gets so dramatic when I call her bitch. Especially in front of her family. Like? What else should I call you bitch?

Anyways, today has been very chaotic and im sorry the universe split us apart and made you soooo dramatic. L

Welp maybe ill give you this page of my diary. maybe I should have it read at my funeral you stupid bitch. adios, much love, Obama.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I thought I would kind of give a development on some of the side characters and how other relationships are progressing. 2 more bonuses will be released, and then the scheduled  OTP will be back! XOXO -Usjwjzus

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