Episode 1

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8 days after saving Floyd from Velvet and Veneer the brothers were enjoying a day at the beach on Vacay Island. Bruce was surfing, John and Clay were playing volleyball, and Floyd and Branch were just chillin' and drinking milkshakes.

Brandy, Viva, and Poppy were taking care of the restaurant while Brozone enjoyed their day on the beach.

"This is the most fun I've had since I was in the diamond!!" Floyd said to Branch

"Duh, It's only been 8 days" Clay said sarcastically. To this Floyd and branch gave him a glare

While Clay was distracted John Dory actually scored on Clay (Without pulling a Charlie horse)

"HA HA HA take that now the score is 1 to 4 !!!" "I'm catching up!" said John Dory Excitedly

Then Clay started to pay attention to the game to beat John Dory and prove he's the superior brother.

Meanwhile a collector troll was plotting to capture his nemesis and anyone he loved. He told his best henchwomen to go capture them so he can have his revenge. But he also sent a critter to watch them. HAHAHAHA!!

Later that night, after a long day of playing volleyball, John Dory and Clay were fast asleep in Rhonda. Bruce along with Brandy were getting their kids ready for bed. Poppy and Viva headed back to pop village because their dad ,Peppy, broke his leg (because he fell off the shelf while trying to get cookies)  so they had to check on him. Branch and Floyd couldn't sleep so they went for a walk, but they felt they were being watched. All of a sudden they heard giggling.

"Did you hear something?" Branch asked Floyd being paranoid

Floyd and Branch stood back to back but Floyd got snatched. Branch turned around and didn't see his brother but he heard more giggling. Before he could pin point the position he got snatched as well. While this happened one of Bruces kids were watching and he will never be the same kid again.

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