Sweet (1)

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A huge shout-out to my beloved sister in arms, petrichorluvv. For reading over this and my other books, she's one of a kind, I love her with all my heart, She deserves the world !

Reminder that this book was originally made for her, And I'm a noob at genshin, So none of this is authentic as I wish it could be, But let's get started,

Enjoy it!


After Lumine finished bandaging Xiao's wounds, She decided it wouldn't hurt to bake him a small strawberry cake.

He's always jumping in to protect her during fights, And she couldn't let the god leave empty handed. There's been multiple times where he's rejected her baked sweets but this time was different, Lumine was going to make sure he accepted it.

She made sure everything was perfect, Down to the very last drop of Icing. And finally it was ready, Her heart beating with excitement as she added the last decoration on top, She smiled, Already imagining the look in Xiao's face.

But she had doubts, She was afraid he wouldn't like the cake, Or might reject it.

She straightened her shoulders and brushed those negative thoughts away as she walked down towards her room where Xiao was in. She poked her head in and watched as he looked at some old photos of her.

She giggled lightly and walked in, "Could you come? I have a surprise for you." She spoke softly, Catching Xiao's attention.

He seemed confused, "Lumine, You know I don't like surprises.." He mumbled, Walking over to her.

She shrugged and grabbed his arm "Just this once, Come on."

She dragged him to the kitchen where the cake sat on the counter.

"Surprise!" She said,

He looked at the cake, pleased with the decorations on it, but still..

"Lumine, You didn't have to go through all this trouble for me.." he said, only to receive a death glare from her.

He gulped slightly and gave an awkward smile, "But.. one bite wouldn't hurt." He finally gave in, earning a smile from Lumine.

Xiao leaned over to look at the words on the cake, 'For saving my ass'. The god chuckled to himself and looked up, Watching Lumine move around the kitchen, Grabbing plates, Somehow she made everything look.. mesmerizing, Even the simplest things like grabbing a stupid plate.

The way her dress flowed with every movement she made-

He was snapped out of his thoughts when she turned around to walk towards the wooden counter where he was standing.

"Here." Lumine said, cutting a slice of cake and serving it on the plate, Handing him a spoon.

He grabbed it and smiled. "Thanks."

She only grinned in response and cut herself her own slice of cake. But.. Lumine noticed the god wasn't eating any. She looked over at him concerned.

“Is.. Is something wrong? Do you not like the cake?" She asked.

He shook his head, "No, No it's not that, it's just-" he paused, looking over at his bandaged arms. "It kinda hurts to lift my arms..”

Lumine looked down at the bandages and couldn't help but feel bad. Suddenly she came up with an idea, she took one quick bite of her own slice and picked up his spoon, Grabbing a piece of it.

"What are you?-" he was interrupted when she suddenly lifted the spoon towards his mouth.

He noticed she was on her tiptoes and grinned, Leaning down slightly to eat the piece of cake on the spoon, eyes staring into hers. Over the years he's grown taller, They weren't teenagers anymore.

"Gosh she's mesmerizing." He thought to himself as she continued to feed him.

Taking turns to eat her own slice and feed Xiao's his, She eventually got icing on her cheek.

"You've got something there." He said.

She was confused and wiped at the other side of her cheek,

"No, The other side." He instructed her.

She grew embarrassed as she kept missing the spots. He rolled his eyes and painfully lifted his hands, cupping her cheek in his palm and swiping just above her lip with his thumb.

She looked up at him, A slight blush forming on her face. He didn't let go, Instead his eyes trailed down to peach colored lips.

He gulped slightly and leaned in closer, Lumine's hand running up gently against his bandages as she closed the space between them.

The god gently pulled her closer to him by the waist, Deepening the kiss, He longed for her. All those years he tried to cover up his feelings for the traveler, but he's had enough of it, he couldn't let this love for her go to waste any longer.

She pulled away and stared at him in shock.

"Xiao I..Why did you- I didn't-”

He cut her off by a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I should've told you sooner.. I'm.. I guess I'm sorry." He mumbled.

Lumine scoffed, "You guess? I was wondering how long it was going to take you." She messed with a piece of his hair, Twirling it around her finger.

Xiao looked at her bewildered, "Y-You knew!?" He Exclaimed, Almost letting go of the small traveler but she grabbed his hand, Placing it back onto her waist.

"Xiao, You can't hide anything from me. I've been knowing.." she smiled. Kissing his chest where his heart was. "I just couldn't bring myself to tell you either."

They both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before breaking into a synchronized laughter. "I'm so lucky to have you." Xiao whispered. Pulling her into a hug.

She sighed, "You as well, Xiao.


Xiao x Lumine One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now