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Um... sorry about last chapters.

Here we go!


Each time Jennie opens her eyes, there's one tiny hope of it all being a ridiculous bad nightmare. But every time she looks at the empty side of her bed and sees no sign of her lover.

She's been sleeping here in Lisa's since the day she can Kai went to the police station, wanting to feel the missing girl's presence easier, even though it's all pointless. Everything here belongs to Lisa. The house is her own decoration, her clothes are everywhere. Even the last perfume she's used is right on her vanity desk, the cap placed next to it, as if the Thai had forgotten to put it back on the bottle.

Her scent though is fading away from the room, because, well... Jennie's been practically living here, and that is enough reason to clear the room off Lisa's scent. The CEO has been using the perfume to keep her scent in the house, to pretend that Lisa is still here with her. It's enough to fool her. And Jennie is already fearing of the day that the bottle ends and Lisa won't come back. She'd die, she knows she will.

"NO!" She furiously shakes her head and stands up from the bed hurriedly, her head spinning as she gets up too quick for her body's liking. Jennie has to sit at the edge of the bed for a second to calm down. And when she does, it's actually the moment the real nightmare begins.

Lisa isn't here.

Day 19 marked and no sign of her beautiful doe eyed girl with heart of gold.

She couldn't take any words out of her grandfather's mouth, even with all the threat. He just insisted that he has nothing to do with it. But Jennie knows it's him. It has to be.

Who else might be trash enough to do such a horrible thing to her angel?

Lisa is the one who always donates money to the orphanages or children's hospitals. One who spends time in animal shelters and helps them out. She didn't even touch his brother's position as her manager even after learning that all of that family had been fooling her for her whole life. She didn't even take a legal action against them.

She could, but she didn't.

Lisa is that girl. That sunshine who's never happy to see other people's discomfort, even ones who try to hurt her.

Who can possibly wrong her?

Before she knows, Jennie's eyes are again filled with tears and some of them are falling down her cheeks.

She doesn't do anything to wipe them, just stumbles to the bathroom heavily and once again collapses there under the shower while crying.


"I don't care if they're pulling their investments out!" Jennie slams the file on the table before her, making the head of her management team flinch hard while Karina only looking at them more worried than anything.

"B-but, Ms. Kim. Our stocks are already dropping! We need to secure the contract with-..."

"Did I stutter? I said I don't care! Get lost!"

Karina interferes and before Jennie actually starts to consider murdering the man, she guides him out of her office and closes the door after him.

"Ms. Kim..." She turns to the CEO, trying to be as gentle as she can, not wanting to provoke her more. "It's not their fault they have to do their job."

Jennie harshly runs one hand through her hair and starts pacing in the room.

"I don't care! Lisa is nowhere to be found, nobody knows if she's safe, or-..." She drops the rest of her words, terrified of letting her mind go deeper than that. "Do you think I care about those fucking stocks? This company can burn to the ground for all I care!"

To Be Yours (JENLISA☑️)Where stories live. Discover now