Chapter 6

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I bite my lip, What is wrong with me? Some strange dragon licks my wounds and I stand there moaning? Everything is quiet, so I open my eyes. Instead of finding the massive dark dragon in the dimly lit room, I see a man. A giant of a man. I reel back and rip out my dagger, keeping it low and ready to strike, "Who are you?"

The stranger chuckles, "I am Rahl". His voice is deep, almost familiar but most of his features still in the shadows.

"Where is the dragon?" I ask as I move closer to the flight of stairs, ready to bolt at any moment. My other hand fumbling to push down my shirt and corset, kicking the bandage from my feet.

The stranger chuckles again before finally stepping into the light, "I am the dragon, little flame."

I bristle at the nickname, but suck in a breath at the giant gorgeous man in front of me. His double set of horns has shrank into one set of dark horns atop his head, curving up and slightly back. His head is covered in a mob of dark curls, slightly long, falling into the nape of his neck and into his eyes. 

Beautiful red gold eyes, framed by dark thick eyebrows and eyelashes. Down to a straight nose, thick lips and sharp jawline covered in dark stubble. His skin is a deep tanned color, but most striking, is the beautiful pair of wings peeking out behind his back. Dark, the same color as his dragon. 

I sweep my eyes up to his face quickly when I notice that the muscular body of the man is entirely nude. My cheeks flame. My pink cheeks seem to amuse him, especially when I lift the dagger in my hand higher. 

"Please find something to cover with." My eyes locked on his red golden gaze, stubbornly refusing to look anywhere else. 

"Problem, little flame?"

I huff in annoyance, "Hardly, dragon. But I'd rather not stumble through the forest where things can crawl up your ass, leaving me with an unbearably grumpy dragon".

"Unbearably handsome". The dragon smirks.

I roll my eyes, mumbling under my breath before turning around and making my way back upstairs. My curiosity is like an annoying itch, wanting to explore the rest of the dilapidated castle. I know we should probably make our way back to Roclan and plan our next step, but as I carefully make my way up the stairs in the back of the entrance way, any feelings of urgency and guilt give way to curiosity. 

Upstairs, sunlight fills the area, through glass-less windows and a broken ceiling. However the aura feels very different, breathing is hard and the static in the air has the hair on my arms standing on end. 

I make my way into a small room, the door having fallen off the hinges and on the floor. The room is light. Lighter than the hallway, light streaming into the room through holes in the walls, big windows and a giant hole in the ceiling. The walls are lined with dusty and leaf covered bookshelves. There is a long, low table against the wall, covered in papers, diagrams and vials. 

I drag my finger along the dusty surface of the table, my eyes taking in the notes on the table. They talk about experimental potions, explosive potions and potent healing concoctions. At this, I lift an eyebrow and pick up the paper, reading the recipe in detail. 

"What are you looking at?"

"Shit! You scared me", I spin around looking at him. The dragon has finally managed to find some clothes. Wearing dark fitted linen pants. Dark leather boots up to his shins. And a light shirt, that's open low over his chest. 

I turn back towards the table, pointing at the vials and papers, "This seems like some kind of alchemy room".

He walks around me and pick up the papers, huffing when he reads the recipe for explosive potions. "Why would you need this, when you have dragon fire?"

I snatch the paper from his hand, "Not all of us are dragons, Your Highness" My tone dripping with sarcasm. 

"That sounds good coming from your tongue". He grins at me, winking.

I can't stop the eye roll before shoving the recipes in the small pouch attached to my belt. Could be useful later. I ignore the red golden gaze of the male, moving over to the bookshelf. My eyes running over the titles, Alchemy Vol 1, Alchemy Vol 2, Alchemy Vol 3, Herbology, Magical Theory, Utilizing Alchemy & Magic, Alchemy Vol 5.

Magic? I thought that was extinct, along with the dragons. I look back over my shoulder, towards the dragon male looking around the room with disinterest. Well, dragons aren't extinct, magic might be real too. 

"Found anything interesting, Princess?" I roll my eyes and take Herbology and Magical Theory from the bookshelf. 

"My name is Aerilyn, use it" I huff at the dragon. Earning a chuckle from him. 

"Let's get going, Aerilyn". 

The name sends shivers down my back and I watch as he leaves the room. Before following him, I turn back to the bookshelf and take Utilizing Alchemy & Magic too. Downstairs, I pick up my bag and shove the books inside. 


Watching the slight woman in front of me stalk through the trees was an interesting sight. Watching her was terribly distracting. She suddenly stops, her hand stretched out straight towards her side as she slowly lowers to hide behind a tree.

I lift my eyebrow and look at her, she only shakes her head and puts a finger to her mouth. Signaling me to be quiet. I watch as she lowers the bow from her back, taking an arrow and notching it in the drawstring. She sucks a breath in, before letting the arrow fly. It struck it's target, a rabbit, with a dull thud. 

"Impressive, little huntress", she smirks at me.

I get up to go retrieve dinner, when something in the opposite bushes rustles. I stand still. Head tilted toward the noise, Aerilyn stands up and quickly notches another arrow and draws, aiming at the sound. 

A demon, with long dark hair, dark curling ram horns, step out of the bush. He looks at Aerilyn and smiles, "Who's your friend, Aerilyn?"

I bend at the knees slightly and move backwards, closer to her, she shakes her head. Instead focusing on the newcomer, "Where is my sister?"

The demon chuckles, "Oh, Simon is taking good care of her, much to Deboriah's annoyance. She is quite upset with that nasty cut you gave her" He lifts a clawed finger and taps his eye.

"Simon wants you alive for something," my growl interrupting the demon, "but I think," he looks at Aerilyn, "that we already have what we need."

He jumps towards her, right as her arrow hits his shoulder, knocking him back. I run at him, sinking my own claws into him, ripping at his side. Behind me, Aerilyn rushes closer, "Don't kill him!" right as I rip my bloody claws from his side. 

The demon jumps over my shoulder, clawing her arm, he's laughing at her as he screams manically "He'll kill her" Over and over. Aerilyn bites down a scream. The scent of her blood enrages my dragon and I grip the demon around the back of his neck and pull him closer. Sinking my sharpened teeth into his neck and pulling my head back aggressively, I rip his head from his neck. His head falls with a thud on the ground, Aerilyn looks up at me. Her hand holding her bloody arm, "I told you not to kill him!" 

I prowl over to her, growling, I grip her chin between my bloodied and clawed fingers, my eyes holding her gaze, "No one harms you".

She tugs her chin back, "Fuck off", before she picks up the rabbit and slowly walks back into the cover of the trees, still holding her bleeding arm.

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