Prologue: Tainted Sky

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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

TITLE: Eternal Sky

AUTHOR: RazenshiaSapphire08


GENRES: Drama & Hurt/Comfort

RATING: M (For implied non-con, language, violence and self-harm)

SUMMARY: Ignorance is bliss and he is willing to give them that until the very end just to shield them from the cruel reality...That's right, Tsunayoshi Sawada also known as Vongola Decimo; will protect his famiglia from everything threatens to harm them even if it's mean destroying himself and making them see him as a cold blooded monster.

WARNINGS: DARK THEME! This story contains implied non-con. Which means non-consensual , which means rape. And later on this story there is self-harm, self-starvation, self-hate and suicide attempts. Therefore the category for this fanfiction is 'M'.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing from KHR.

Beta read by the awesome:YullenSunsetKitsune

A/N: This story is my first KHR fanfiction so OCCness might ensued but I'll try to keep them in character as possible. And since I'm new for this. There are areas you will spotted wrong in this start and the future ones so If you've seen any please kindly tell me, I'll gladly fixed them. Anyways, I hoped this story goes with the flow. Without further ado here's the Prologue of Eternal Sky.




PROLOGUE: Tainted Sky






At the abandoned building in the middle of nowhere; there's a lone figure standing in the middle of a room covered and surrounded with a pool of blood and another figure laying down lifeless on the ground few inches away from him.

He can't remember anything at all. Not a single thing as his mind filled with haze and excruciating pain.

But one thing is crystal clear in his disoriented state and that is the words: PROTECT his FAMIGLIA.

He stared at the corpse of the unknown man in front of him. Despite being dead, it's mocking him. Lifeless eyes seems looking at him tauntingly with it's sickening sweet smile lingering on his cold lips.

Then dull eyes looked down at a pair of gloves covered in crimson red; blood.

Silence surrounds him and then there came the sound of footsteps across the room rushing to reach his destination.


The closed steel door had been blown away by some explosives. Dust and smokes filled the room and people start calling him, but he remained unresponsive. Slowly, but surely, the smoke extinguished, revealing a certain brunette standing in the middle of the destruction and blood. There's a collective gasp, but he stayed in his position not uttering a single word nor looking in their direction.

He don't want to looked at their reaction fearing to see and hear anything coming from them that will caused his breakage as he knew deep inside of him it's true... The words escaped from the corpse laying before him are bound to happen.

But still.. He hoped they would still believe in him.. That they trusted and cared for him.

Slowly he turned to see their reaction and his heart shattered into pieces.

He lowered his head; his expression darkening as rejection and utter despair flashes in the pair of dull brown eyes and a sad and bitter smile spread across his lips as he mumbled silently.

"It seems liked you've won this round..." He wanted to cry, but he can't because he doesn't want to look pathetic in front of them, but he is certain that he already was like that in their eyes, so he let a single tear roll down in his cheek.

He started walking towards the exit without raising his head so the others wouldn't see his expression, but he heard them step backwards which hurts him even more. He wanted to get out of this room, as it was already suffocating him and before he could reach the exit everything went black as he collapsed on the cold floor. He never did hear the frantic voices around him. All he heard were those taunting voice inside his head...




"...Decimo..They never cared about you...How could they? When you are nothing more but a MONSTER..."




Unbeknownst, in the commotion surrounding him, a hidden figure in the corner of the room was observing and judging with watchful eyes at the scene transpired in front of it as a smile blossoms across its lips.

"..Let the test begun, Decimo..."

To Be Continued...

A/N: So, how is it? Hoped it turn out well...Please Read and Reviews/Comments, Votes/Favs and Become a Follower were all welcomed and appreciated! Love and Cheers to you all! Till next time! ^_^

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