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You roll over in bed, grumbling to yourself as your eyes slowly open. The morning light streams in through the crack between the curtains, illuminating the dust particles dancing lazily in the air. The alarm clock on your bedside table blares an ear-splitting jingle, taunting you with the thought of another day at work. You let out a particularly heartfelt groan, annoyance coursing through your veins.
With a sigh, you force yourself to sit up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and rubbing at your bleary eyes. 

Your apartment is small, but it's cozy and feels like a sanctuary after a long shift at the cafe. A bookshelf teeters precariously on the wall above your bed, stacked with an eclectic mix of thrillers, classics, and manga. Your favorite coffee mug, adorned with a grim reaper wielding a steaming cup, sits on your nightstand, filled to the brim with pens and old business cards.

You make your way to the bathroom, the tile floor cool against the soles of your feet. The mirror above the sink is fogged up from your breath, but you can still make out your reflection in the corner. Another day in paradise, you think to yourself, reaching for your toothbrush and toothpaste.
As you brush your teeth, you can't help but think about the shift yesterday. It had been one of those days, alright. The regulars had been particularly demanding, and the new girl, Sally, had been even more clumsy than usual. You'd caught her almost dropping a tray of lattes twice. The worst part had been when that pretentious asshole in the corner had complained about the temperature of his cappuccino.
You rinse your mouth and dry your hands, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is a mess, your eyes are bloodshot.You let out a sigh, wondering if you should bother trying to look presentable or if it even matters. After all, you're just another face in the crowd at the cafe. You reach for your favorite black hoodie, sliding it on over your head, and then pull on a pair of worn-in jeans and your trusty black Converse.

The walk to work is a short one, only a few blocks down the busy main street. You take in the sights and sounds around you, the hustle and bustle of the city starting to wake up. The smell of coffee drifts on the breeze, mingling with the scent of freshly baked pastries and exhaust fumes. You smile to yourself, feeling oddly at peace amidst the chaos.

You round the corner and spot the familiar neon sign for the cafe, its green and white lettering beckoning you like a beacon. With a sigh, you push open the door and step inside, blinking against the bright lights. The cafe is already beginning to fill up with early risers, the steady hum of conversation filling the air. You nod hello to your manager, Mary, as you make your way to the back, where the staff locker room is located.

Inside, the air is a mix of various perfumes and colognes, mingled with the smell of cheap laundry detergent. The lockers are arranged in neat rows, each one adorned with pictures of family and friends, posters of bands, and the occasional cheesy inspirational quote. You spot Sally, still looking a bit frazzled from yesterday, and smile reassuringly at her.

"Hey, you okay?" you ask as you throw your bag onto an empty locker.She shrugs, looking a little embarrassed. "I guess. It's just... I'm still getting used to the pace, y'know? I'm sorry about yesterday. I'll do better today."

You smile at her reassuringly and slap her shoulder lightly. "Hey, we all had to start somewhere. You're doing great, really. Just take it one cup at a time." You glance around the locker room, noticing that a few other people have started to gather near the lockers. "So, anyone have any interesting plans for the weekend?" one asked, trying to get the conversation started.

A few people chuckle, and a guy named Dave, who's been working here for almost a year, says, "Well, I'm going to try and catch up on some sleep, if I can. But other than that, just the usual, you know? Hanging out with friends, maybe hitting up a bar or two."

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