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Waking up from a dreamless sleep is quite nice, you think as you stretch lazily beneath the covers. You're not sure what time it is, but the sky outside is still dark. A small part of you wonders if you should just roll over and go back to sleep, but then you remember your newfound purpose. With a sigh, you throw off the covers and make your way out of bed, the soft carpet muffling your footsteps. The least you could do for Charlie and the others is a grand breakfast, to show your appreciation, you'll go all out today, after a good cup of coffee, obviously.

You pad through the dimly lit hallway to the kitchen, humming a tune under your breath. The scent of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and it's enough to make your mouth water. As you pour yourself a steaming mug, you glance out the window, taking in the desolate view of the barren wasteland that passes for nature in this part of the world.

The kitchen is spotless, as always, thanks to your obsessive compulsive tendencies. You crack open a few eggs and carefully whisk them into a large bowl, then chop up some fresh vegetables and fruits. You'll make some omelettes, pancakes, and some sausage rolls, maybe some muffins too?
At that, the creature disguised as a tattoo on your arm tingles with joy.
" You'd like that wouldn't you?" " Hell yeah"
To say that you are taken aback by the sudden whisper in your mind, is an understatement.
" You can talk? How? Why didn't you say anything until now? Also, do you have a name?"

"When I first got binded to you, I was weak, when you gave me the offerings I craved, it made me stronger. As for a name, not really, but Umbra would be quite fitting, you can call me that if you like."

"Umbra, huh? Well, thank you for the information. Now, about that offerings... do you mean food?"
"Indeed, food does grant me strength. However, I crave something more. I hunger for the souls of the damned, for their flesh and blood. And with them, you can control them, bend them to your will, make them do things that others can't. "
" Ooohkay, that escalated quickly, I don't think I can do that, it would go again what Charlie believes, and what she's trying to do "
" Yes, and you could help her, think about it as sorting out the rotten apples from the good ones, as good as a soul from hell could be."

" I'll think about it, but right now, I need to get back to cooking. I'll make sure there's extra for you too, Umbra. Just don't get any ideas about taking over my body or anything."

With that, you continue preparing breakfast. You're not sure how you feel about having a new voice in your head now, but you suppose it could be useful. You wonder if the others have any inkling of what's going on, or if they're just as oblivious as you were. It's a strange thought, but you file it away for later.

As the food cooks, you clean up the kitchen, humming to yourself. The smell of breakfast fills the air, and you can't help but feel a You make sure to set aside a plate with extra food for Umbra, as promised.

As you carry the plates to the dining room, you notice that the others are still asleep. It's probably for the best, you think. You don't want to have to explain Umbra to them just yet. Instead, you set the food out on the table and pour yourself another cup of coffee.

You spend the next few minutes admiring your handiwork, the aroma of breakfast filling the air. It's almost enough to make you forget about Umbra, if only for a moment. But then you remember her words, about souls and control, and you can't help but feel a shiver down your spine.

The others finally stumble out of bed, yawning and rubbing their eyes. They take one look at the spread before them and let out a chorus of appreciative groans.
Charlie and Vaggie sit beside each other and Angel takes a sit across Charlie, you sit next to Angel.

"Oh this looks delicious, you really outdid yourself this time." Charlie says, giving you a warm smile.
"Thanks, just trying to keep everyone fed and happy." You reply, returning the smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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