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You feel like you are trapped in darkness for what feels like years yet second, months yet days, it's a strange feeling, not floating yet not sitting, it's all overwhelming and soothing at the same time, you can't help to wonder if this is what death is, being trapped like this for eternity?
Or is this hell?
A subtle feeling washes over you, like you are wrapped in silk and being pulled down, it intensifies with each passing second, like you are falling with the speed of light.
You keep falling and falling and falling for what feels like an eternity, only to realize you aren't falling anymore.
You can feel gravel under your hands, clammy sweat across your body and a nice warmth in the air.
Blinking slowly, you take in your surroundings.
The first thing you see is a shitton of red, is that the fucking Sky? With a pentagram? Ok, no need to panic, maybe you're just seeing things, there's a reasonable explanation for everything.

You try to move your hands, they respond sluggishly, as if they are weighted down, but they move nonetheless. You sit up slowly, taking in more of your surroundings.
You are sitting in what seems to be a crater?
There's not much going on around, to your right is some kind of advertising sign, some rubble and ruins of buildings, to your left a city in the distance. The question is how the fuck you ended up here, last thing you remember is being in the forest, what were you doing in the forest? Were you alone? No, there were 6 other people, what happened to them? Gunshots, blood, pain, fading in and out of consciousness. It hits you then. You died. How can you be dead if you're fine an breathing right now? It doesn't make any sense. You take a look at your hands.
" No, no no nonono "
" This is just a bad dream, I'm hallucinating, that must be it"
Your hands, don't look like yours at all, they're a burgundy color that fades to blac at the fingertips, and to your normal skin tone towards the elbows, although, even your skin tone seem to be off, it's more pale, like life drained from your body, and your nails, they're way longer and sharper than your natural ones.
You stand up, feeling more awake now, but still not quite yourself, and start walking towards the city in the distance, maybe someone there will be able to help you, tell you what the fuck is going on. You turn your head, taking a look at the publicity sign
                         " NEW TO HELL ?
                  AND GO TO HEAVEN?
       As long as you actually try to be good "

As you walk, you pas by buildings that seem to be in different stages of ruin, yet not a single person in sight. The air feels thick and heavy, as if it's been soaked in blood and tears. The sound of distant screams and cries pierce through the silence, making your skin crawl.
Maybe this is really hell.
You take another look at the sky, blood red , the pentagram above seeming to glow, something catches your eye, a bird? Too big to be a bird, the fuck is that? Why is it getting bigger? Then it dawns on you, it's getting bigger because it's coming towards you.
In that moment you haul ass the fuck out of there, not wanting to find out what that thing is.

You run through the city, weaving in and out of the ruins, the thing behind you getting closer, its shape becoming more distinct. It's humanoid, but that's where the resemblance to anything living ends. Its skin is grey, and the wings black and white, on top of it's head a set of ram horns, and it's face is adorned with a grin of sharp teeth, instead of a right eye it has an x, worst of all it has a fucking spear.

You run, your lungs burning, your legs screaming in protest, but you can't stop, it's gaining on you. You take a sharp turn, ducking into an alley, praying it's not a dead end. The thing slams into the wall behind you, knocking bricks and dust to the ground. It turns around, a sinister grin spreading across its face.

"Go on, keep running," it says, its voice raspy and cold. "But you can't outrun me."

It takes off after you, flying through the alley with ease. You try to keep your distance, but it's relentless. The chase seems to go on for hours, taking you through the city, across fields of charred earth.The monster never tires, never slows down, its grin growing wider and more malicious with each passing second. This truly is hell, everywhere you look demons alike the one following you, kill and torture other demons , at least that's what you think they are, there's carnage everywhere, guts, blood and bones paint the streets of the city.

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