Chapter 1: THE OLD OAK

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In the hot and blazing, barren lands

the strong willed oak tree stands.

Just as the evergreen days pass by,

The young oak rejoices and smiles.

Her branches spread far and wide,

as she refused to sway in the air tide.

Full of glory and pride ,

She basks in the mighty sunlight.

All the shrubs await her downfall!

When the greedy cutter would betray the Oak.

Staying put on her stealthy feet,

She stands alone in the scalding heat.

Oh! wan't it lonely to be at the top!

But Alas! Even the mightiest of kingdoms fall,

When their enemy catches them off- guard!

The oak now old, is hollowed from the inside,

and faces the axe of the wood cutter in fright!

After all time catches us all.... right?

It bares the cuts, one after the other,

But does cold the wood cutter waver?

The old oak now face waves of chips and cuts

Resembling a wounded heart

Cruelly smashed with words.

As it stands alone at the top!

All of them are with power and pelf.

But is it of any avail!

When betrayal manages to latch itself on to them.

And it always comes from the dearest of friends.

Afterall, could any of them ever dodge Miss green's sticky hands!

The wood cutter too was a friend turned foe,

as he deliberately forgot the past favour of the oak!

The wood cutter, cared and nurtured,
under the Oak's cool shade,

      Turned out be a hissing snake!


Umm.. What's up y'all?


ope y'all doing great!

This is my first poem!

The inspo behind this was the world always waiting for your downfall!

Afterall people want to see you prosper but....never more than them.

Just like the shrubs.

Okay let's aim for 7 votes and 10 comments for this chapter...

That's it for now.

Bye, bye~✨

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