Introduction to my made-up disease.

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Love struck is something I made up and wanted to talk about in a fanfic,obviously I know there is similar things out there, but oh well I'll talk about it anyways. All included artwork made by me.

The person is introduced to the disease by falling in love with someone, although, the symptoms can happen at any point in time, as long as the host is still in love with the person.

The person is introduced to the disease by falling in love with someone, although, the symptoms can happen at any point in time, as long as the host is still in love with the person

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Once infected by the disease, the host will vomit up blood, but is not caused from any form of internal bleeding. Alongside the blood, petals will be vomited out too.

The heart petals have the texture of flower petals, and the interior design of what you would see on leaves

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The heart petals have the texture of flower petals, and the interior design of what you would see on leaves. They are resistant to blood, so won't get ruined by it, but will dissolve in water, or any other kind of liquid that isn't like blood.

 They are resistant to blood, so won't get ruined by it, but will dissolve in water, or any other kind of liquid that isn't like blood

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The amount of blood the host spills will vary, it can be anywhere from a lot to very little. If a lot is let out, the host will feel lightheaded, as if they had lost a lot of blood, but will never be able to bleed out from the disease, only ever feeling the effects of major blood loss.

 If a lot is let out, the host will feel lightheaded, as if they had lost a lot of blood, but will never be able to bleed out from the disease, only ever feeling the effects of major blood loss

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Another symptom of the disease is the change in the host's eyes, the pupils forming a heart shape, but the eye color rarely ever changes from whatever color the host's eyes are.

Thats about all I have for now, I may make more later on the more I think about it.

Love-Struck, A Bandit X Jäger Fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now