Chapter 5: Behind the scenes 2

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He pulled over in the underground garage, as always, he got out first, opening the door for her. She stepped out and they in, in a comfortable silence. The moment he opened the door to their giant living room, the entire atmosphere changed. From a quiet peaceful evening, to an overwhelming grim. She stopped in her tracks, he noticed, 'everything okay?' He asked, puzzled. She nodded. They continued their journey to the forbidden room. Reminiscing with every step she took, the door clicked open, she jumped, he didnt notice. He waited for her to get in first, like the gentleman he was. 'I'll take a shower, ' she said walking into the ensuite. The feel of the water on her skin felt refreshing. In the instance she was enjoying herself, something was happening on the other side of the door, he...could not stop thinking about the other one. He lay on his king sized chair, head back, twirling his favourite beverage, the fifth glas. He pulled himself off the chair...She was about to step out when...the atmosphere suddenly changed. She knew what this meant. She held her breath, "no, not here.." she thought. He slid the glass door, and stepped in, making his presence known. He breathed on her neck, heavily, making her shiver. In the most surprising turn of events, he...he kissed her. She couldnt believe it. Could this have been just one of her fantasies,, he did it again, awakening her to her consiousness. The feeling of surprise surpassed,  replaced by an unfamiliar yet wonderful feeling of...pleasure. He held her waist and pulled her closer to him, thats when she noticed he was like her, bare. She turned around, taking the opportunity into her hands, but, he was in control. He held her hands above her head, devouring her with his tongue that seemed to know exactly what to do, and how to do it. To show her bliss, she moaned, how she wished to moan in pleasure, not in her fantasies, but in reality, this was reality...or was it. He stopped. Her face flashed, he was looking at her intently, eyes filled with lust and a faint yet radical hint of intoxication. She could have stopped, angry of his need to bed her while inebriated, but, she didnt. She had waited for this moment for the past five years, she wasnt gonna let it all go. But then, what if he was also in his own fantasy. What if the alcohol not only intoxicated him, but his desires blinded him? The night grew older and younger, as the young couple consumated their marriage in gleem and pleasure, after five full years, marking the beginning of a new journey,a new chapter...
She stretched to the delight of thr brand new day ahead, moving her hands to the other side of the bed, the coldness awakened her. He was gone, had been gone for a while. Pulling the blanket closer to her neck, she scanned the room. No sign of him. 'Logan!' she called out, just then, he stepped in, coming out of the shower after his morning work out, looking as deadly gorgeous as ever. She smiled, he smiled back, a rare scene indeed. For the short while, they seemed like the ideal married couple.

'So..what do you think we should do this time?'she asked, putting on her earings. He kept quiet, making a clear indication of her incomplete statement. She realised, i mean your birthday. 'What do yoi have in mind?' He asked, putting on his million dollar rolex. 'Well...' she walked towards him and stood infront of him, with her hands around his waist. A faint irk showed on his but disappeared before she could even notice it. 'I was thinking...we could do it Singapore.' He raised his brow, 'Why there?' 'Well, we havent been there, and ..i just feel like its perfect. I heard its great this season. 'Hmm.' He said, in affirmation, walking out of her embrace'Great, I'll talk to Bianca, we could plan something different, oh and Craig is coming here.' He stopped in his tracks and turned, 'why?' 'Oh come on, you know he wouldnt miss you birthday. He looks up to you, so its the least he could do after eve, ' 'That doesnt explain why he's coming here.' Zoey noticed the rising tension, the last thing she wanted on this joyous morning. 'He'll tell you when he comes, but for now, lets go eat, im hungry.' She was changing the subject before all hell broke loose, but he wasnt gonna let this go. 'Speaking of different, ' he said in a contemplative tone, she paid attention, but she had never prepared for what he said next, 'How about we change the planner?' She swallowed hard in disbelief, he had never cared about preparationszhe always left everything in her control, giving her way to do whatever she wanted, even for their wedding. 'But...Bianca is the best, award winning best.'she disputed. He slowly walked towards her, 'Would you wanna risk making me....unhappy?' There it was again, that threatening tone. 'Good' he said, noticing the fear in her eyes, 'Why dont we try the runner ups? They might just be the difference, i need.' He hinyed walking away, leaving here in even more worry. Something about the way he said that made her very sure he alreadh knew what he wanted, but how the hell was she gonna know...So much for a great morning...

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