009 | Pity

80 4 2

WARNING: BLOOD! (+disturbing stuff 😭)

"Hah?" I looked over my shoulder, my eyes widening as I watched Uraga pulled out a tanto knife from his pocket.

    "I'm... sorry.. I....... can't... betray... mother..."


Uraga slit his throat open in one go. "....Ah.."

His fresh crimson blood landed on my clothes and back.

I flinched, my eyes wide with confusion as I watched him collapse onto the floor. What happened? Why? What?

    "Uraga..?" I watched as his body shuddered in a painful way, before the life in his eyes slowly faded, his tears trickling down his cheeks.

This is fucking absurd. "You... you piece of shit... what did you do to him?" I asked in a tight voice, unable to hide my rage.

    "Oh dear, what a foul tongue you have... what are you angry about, my child?" She stopped to lick her lips. The corner of the fleshy room bubbled slightly, as if trying to swallow Uraga's body too. I grabbed his motionless form, gently yet swiftly.

There was no way I'm letting this bitch of a demon take him too.

    "This child wanted to make me seem like the villain here, when all I've done was care for them all this time. He trampled on my good intentions like it were nothing... At the very least, he should apologize for his grave sins with death." The demon reverted to her original gentle expression, smiling softly at me.

Good intentions? Grave sins? As if.

    "Damn you!" I growled.


    "Arghh! I can't find him anywhere!" Masachika ruffled and scratched at his hair, feeling himself sweating with stress.

Hazuki's sobs had finally subsided after a while, the pain on his abdomen intense, he leaned back against the wall for support. "There's no way he'll survive anyway. I know it." He murmured in a suspicious tone.

    "What do you mean?" Masachika replied, blinking emptily at the shady-looking Hazuki.

    "Do you not see what happened to me!? I told you there's no way he'll survive!" Hazuki snapped with disbelief, waving his now-gone hand around.

Masachika's eyes narrowed, he spoke back in a worried tone. "No, Sanemi's strong, I trust that he can slay the demon."

   'DAMN YOU!' A voice echoed vaguely through the corridor, before disappearing completely.

    "Sanemi? Did you hear that, Hazuki?" Masachika's body tensed, the hope reigniting in his eyes, the hope of finding his friend.

    "Huh? Hear what?" Hazuki raised an eyebrow, giving Masachika a skeptical and unserious expression.

Masachika blinked, was he imagining things? But it sounded so real... "...You really didn't hear that?"

    "No? You should get a checkup with Kocho-sama for your ears if we get out of here alive." Hazuki joked in a negligible tone, banging the bent tip of his nichirin against the floor with boredom.

    "Well I definitely heard something! I'll go look!" Masachika's cheeks puffed stubbornly before he stormed out of the gloomy looking living room.

    "Be careful." Hazuki whispered watching Masachika disappear out the door. He stood still in his place and continued to scratch his slightly broken nichirin against the floor hopelessly.

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