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Tara's pov

We have already reached the venue and now I'm sitting in the room with Riya... She's blabbering God knows what !! Suddenly a knock made our heads towards the door. A man comes inside and says more like order us to 'come it's time' .

Listing this my breath hitched I know it's not in my hands and I can't hope for something good too by remembering my life ... I'm tired of all this .. I-i I feel like I'm some kind of doll with whom everyone is playing - I came out from my thoughts hearing Riya's voice .

"Tara let's go or sir will get angry" she said calmly making me nod in  her words. We walk out of the room and head towards the Mandap .. there he's standing with his cold face huffff .. i gulp and lower my lashes when I realise that he's just looking into mine.

I reached near him and sat beside him as the priest started his mantra's . We do as he said ... After some time the priest tells him to tie the mangalsutra on my neck which he does while looking into my eye and a tear slips from my eyes which he wiped before I do.

Why is he behaving so calmly and as a caring man.. my thoughts broke when the priest passed him a vermillion box .. which he took and filled it in my hair partition making me close my eyes to accept my faith which i already accept .

After all the rituals he held my hand and went out of the venue and said "inside" .. I went inside the car he came to and the driver started the car .. I look outside the window and he's using his laptop doing something. I'm feeling sleepy but can't sleep ..

Suddenly we heard a gunshot as my eyes went wide before I reacted he pulled me towards himself making me clutch his kurta tightly.  "Turn right..fast" he said to the driver bhaiya in his cold voice which made me shiver. He takes out his phone and dials someone.

I tried to come out of his grip but he didn't let me.  making his grip tight on me .. so I just stay like this.. I'm not getting why he's showing this care there must be something which i don't know.. just then he speaks to the person who's on call. "In mension within a min.. be prepared.. take care of Her" he said .. but who is he mentioning as her .. Does he have any -

another gunshot heard i flinch as it feels like it's just went besides me i tightly clutch him suddenly he started rubbing my back making me tremble feeling his touch on my back ..

I look up and see he's still talking to someone but I'm not able to hear it as my head is spinning.. I'm feeling dizzy and just then unconsciousness  consumes me but before I go in deep slumber I hear "sleep Sweetheart" ..


Author pov •

As Tara get unconscious..Rudraksh took out the needle which he had just pricked Tara. He smirk and pull out her from his grip and cover her with his coat which is placed just besides him and took out his weapons from the back side of car . 

He changed his kurta and wear random clothes suddenly driver stop the car making him sigh .. he look the figure besides him and place a kiss on her forehead. Coming out from his car he carry that little figure and head inside his mansion ...

Coming inside hi– their room he placed Tara on their bed .. creasing her cheeks he plant a kiss on her another cheek.. he stood up and cover her little figure with Quilt just then he hear a knock making him coming back on his cold face.

He hummed making the person come inside the room he turned and stares the figure standing in front of him making the person Shiver with his cold and dark stares .. "take care of her don't let her out of the mansion.. and don't stare her more than 1 sec" he finishes his sentence making the man gulp and nodd in positive..

"Word's" he said darkly making the man tremble "y-yes boss" .. he says making Rudraksh humm. The man bowed and went out of the room. Rudraksh also made his way out of the room not before looking towards his wife who is fully unaware of anything he close the door.

Coming out of the room he dail someone call .. in 2 rings phone get picked "yess sir" said the person on other line whom is non other than Riya . To which Rudraksh reply "come mansion and stay here till I come back" he completed his words making Riya reply in ok..

He cut the call and sat in the living room with his man's standing behind him .. just then he heard "sir I'm here" said Riya making Rudraksh nod and went out from the mansion.

Riya look beside her and saw Rohan the same man who's inside the room before.. she frown looking him so he cleared his throat and said "I'm here to take care of ma'am" .. to which Riya nod and ask him politely to show her the guest room which he do gladly.

She went inside the room and sigh while throwing herself in bed . Rohan already informed her that Tara is sleeping now so when she'll up then she can meet her to which Riya agrees and thought to take some nap till now as it's already 3 am now..

Rohan also thought to take some nap so he slept in couch which is placed in living room..

While ~

Coming out of his mansion Rudraksh directly went to his office as some issue appeared there and after this he directly went to the airport.. reaching the airport he dialed Rohan to ask about his Tara.. but Rohan didn't pick his call making him clenching his jaw.

He went inside his jet and opened his tab to see the mansion.. he saw that his wife is still sleeping.. and found that Rohan is also sleeping in the living room while clutching the pillow.. he looks at him blankly and dials a call .. and In a second mension's all table phone starting ringing .. making Rohan sleep Brock as he land on the floor.

Rohan started to run here and there ..by sound Riya also came out from the room making herself alert .. suddenly all ringing stop and Rohan phone started ringing which he pick without any delay as it's his boss's call afterall..

Rohan's face colour get vanish.. "s-orry boss it'll no-t happen agai-n" he said trembling.. and line get cut ..  Riya look at him with done expression to which Rohan nervously chuckle.. Riyaa huffed and went towards her room ~


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