Chapter 1

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The sea had a beauty that could not be compared to the beauty of any person. In my 22 years of living I had never met a signal soul that could entice me like the sea had. The sea never wavered it pushed on unrelenting  and unbothered. I liked to let people think that that was the way I was unbothered and remorseless. And for the most part that was the way I was. If you don't think what you're doing is wrong then maybe it's not after all.  

Most people had immediate remorse and went into a state of shock after they first took someone's life.  I never had that problem. When I was 12 a man ran into my cabin on my fathers ship during one of their surges.  I had shot him the moment he crossed the threshold of my room. When my father came in on the scene he simply smiled and said, "It seems the training has served you well." He had one of his men come and take the body from my room later that night.

I believe that that was the first time he considered that I might have some use as a pirate at his side. Not to say that he didn't care for me beforehand. It was just different, strained. I reminded him too much of my mother. But my mother never would have shot the man, she would have most likely died without anyone to save her. My father at that moment figured out that there was more of him in me then he had thought before.

Before then he had just trained me on the basics for self defense. But after the death of that man He started really  training me. I learned the inside and outs of sword fighting and shooting. But never cannon work, that was for the other crew members he taught me that I was important. He made me his first mate when I was 15 calming that there was no one more that he could trust than me.

There was of course the curse to worry about. It was terrifying to my 8 year old self the first time I had seen it after my mother shipped me back to my father. But now after 14 years I have become accustomed to the curse. 

There were three hard knocks on my door. "Come in" I say calmly. I should be asleep, every other soul on this ship would be at this hour. My father comes through the door in a rush, when is he not. "Why don't you come take a stroll with me on the top deck." I rise from my small desk covered in so many maps you could no longer see the wood that I had been positioned at. The top deck was empty besides from me and my father. The stars were bright in the night sky. "I have a job I would like you to do for me." My father said as we stopped walking.

 "And what does this job entale". "I want you to go to a port for me, I have a need for an item that the governor has in his possession" Father stated in a flat tone. "And what is this item" I said in a shocked tone, If he needed something he always got it himself he didn't trust others with his personal business for him to give this job to me, It was a great honor. 

 "It is known that governors can give pardons for their own ports, I would like for you to retrieve two of these for me." what "But why would you have a need for those its not as tho you have been thinking of retirement...have you?" "No of course not, But I still have my reasons."

It was now the next night It was perfectly dark outside, not a star could be picked out of the sky. One of the lifeboats had been put into the water for my use. "Don't forget, get in, get out and get back out here we will be just out of sight from the watch towers." My father had briefed me on this before last night but I guess he was a little nervous having never sent me on a job before.  I gave a curt nod before getting into the boat. My fathers eyes never left mine as I sailed away intill I was out of sight. 

after what seemed like an hour of hard rowing I reached a dock. It was, as I had hoped, completely empty. If all went to plan I would break into the governors house tonight and no one would see the small lifeboat and come looking for its owner. I tied the boat loosely to a pole on the dock and head on down to the street at the end of the dock.    

The fort was not hard to pic out from the rest of the buildings. And teaming with soldiers. God how many soldiers does one port need . They were not the most trained fellows tho, very easy to sneak past. Once I had found the governor's office I twisted the handle. Which to my surprise opened. well that's convenient I thorough. 

As I stepped inside the room I went to the desk immediately. The desk was messy to put it lightly. as i went through draw after draw I finally found a stake of envelopes. I opened the first one that I saw and sure enough it was a per signed pardon. As I tucked two carefully in my inside jacket pocket  

As I rose from my spot by the desk and started walking to the door. I pulled out my dagger from its place in my jacket there was no way to tell if a soldier stood right by the door. I could easily take three most likely, my father would be disappointed if I couldn't. I took a deep breath in and stepped out the door.

  Oh come on

It seems that the entire army of England had desisted to show up. I counted at least 12 muskets pointed at my face and tried to go back into the room I had just come out of but found the door closed behind me. 

"Andrea Barbossa you are being put under arrest" A tall man in a stupid looking powered wig said "And I will be having this" he said taking my dagger. Well that is annoying I thought, that was my best one. "Men take her down to the cells.


A/N   AHHH I got my first chapter down!!!! I really hoped you liked it and I know it wasn't very long but i'm planning on making the chapters longer as I get more used to writing.

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