Chapter 2

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"There you go miss" one of the men taking me to the cell said. "Hope it sees to your needs" His much fatter companion said.  "I didn't think they let girls be pirates" the skinny one whispered to the other one.

 "Well you are simply misinformed" I said from my cell "All the best pirates are women surely men of your status would know that." I claimed lying though my teeth.

 It's not as tho women don't make good pirates it is true women make amazing pirates but I can not say there are many women pirates out there. 

The pair of men who were very puzzled by my statement left me after that. There was a group of men in the cell next to mine they all looked stunned at my face

Yes, as they should be. Where my father and this crew are legends to the people I am very much real. Most people think my last name is fake to make people think I am Caption Barboosa's daughter. I am feared for what I am ruthless, violent, and very much real.

I can say that I have planted a few rumors about myself in a gossiping bar maids ear. Got to give the people what they want you know.

I let the men stir in their fear. For once I am glad to be wearing my jacket with the inside pocket, where the pardons are still having not been spotted by the man in the odd wig. 

I tip back my tricorne  hat to cover my eyes. God I'm getting rusty, Already rusted out at the age of 22 I think It isn't like me to get caught. It's sad really father is going to make fun of me for weeks. But I can't think about that now. Escape that is what I need to think about. 

I am to likely be hanged in a day or two. But father is expecting me back tonight. The cells are strong, too strong  to be opened by force from the inside.  I really have no other choice then to wait till my hanging to make my escape.

The thought of my father coming to bust me out of this god forsaken port is almost laughable. Not that I don't matter to him,  no in his eyes if I had got myself into this situation then I surely had a way to get out of it.

I wrapped my jacket around me tighter, and settled in for a cold night. 

It had to have been the afternoon when I woke up. God above I need to sleep more often I thought. 

There was a banging outside my cell. I looked up to see the pair of men that had taken me down to this cage dragging a man with a dirty appearance and dreadlocks covering his face. 

One of the men unlocked my cell as I shot up. "I thought they separated the men and women? I said a bit taken aback. "Maybe in your fancy prisons in London but not here." Great, just great. 

The man waltzed in with a very odd stride, and collapsed on the floor. I groaned and went back to my spot at the back of the cell.

"So it seems I get the great pleasure of sharing a room with Andrea Barbossa." The brown haired pirate said. "Why yes you do, It seems that you will be one of the only men to meet me and not end up dead afterward." I said in an arrogant tone. 

"Lucky me." The pirate said under his breath. "So what is your name I'm afraid I can not match your face to any of the pirates I know."  "I'm sure you are dying in suspense but I'm afraid I can not give you that."

I gave him an annoyed glare. Even tho I said he did not look familiar that was another one of my lies. In truth his face did look like one I had seen before. I think my father had brought him up before. But I could not worry about that I had to stay focused. 

We stayed there no talking intill the dark of night when there was a loud sound of cannons. "The pearl jack said looking out a hole in the wall" Why would they be here father knows I am much too proud to be rescued.

Two men from my crew came down the stairs. "This isn't the treasury" One shorter one said.  "Awe but look at that" the taller man said looking in my direction 

"Miss Barbossa seems you've got yourself in a interesting place" He said "with jack sparrow back from the dead non the less to."

Oh that was why the man looked familiar. My father talked about the man he took control of the pearl from often.    

"Come to rescue me have you" I fired back "Not at all Miss caption thinks your capable of getting yourself out."

Good that meant that he still trusted me enough. "Well I guess I will see you gents when I get out of this god forsaken cell." And with that the men took there leave.

Sparrow looked at me in an odd way but did not say a word. I went back to my spot to sleep for yet another night in this dark cold cell.

When morning broke I was woken by a loud sound.

A young man was coming down the stairs. But he was not in a military uniform. "You your Jack Sparrow" he said out of breath. "Aye" sparrow said back

 "Are you familiar with the ship the black pearl" I tensed as he said that but I keep my mouth shut. "Aye" Sparrow said in response. Oh yes I imagine he would be. "Were does it make berth" the boy shot back.

A snort escaped my lips. Where does it make berth why this boy most really must not know much. Sparrow shared a similar thought. "Where does it make birth, why have you not heard the stores Caption Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dread Isla de muerta, An island that can not be found unless you know where it is.

"But the ships really so the place it berths from must be real to" the boy responded "Why ask me" Sparrow said with found reasoning after alI was right here and a part of the pearls crew.

"Because you're a pirate" "Are you thinking of taking up piracy  as well" 

"Never, they took Mis Swan" "Oh so there is a girl" Sparrow said almost gitty. "And you are intent on rescuing her to, but to see mate I see no interest in it for me."

"I can get you out of here" the boy said. That pecked both me and sparrows interest. "What is your name boy" Sparrow said in response "Will ?Turner" Will said. Oh that is interesting Turner was the name of one of the men on my fathers ship before they killed him. Drowning, not a pleasant way to go. 

"That would be short of William a good strong name no dout named for your father." Sparrow said clearly following my train of thought. "Yes" Will said a little puzzled.

"Well it seems I have had a change  of heart if you get me out of these cells then I will help you get your bony lass back." Sparrow responded to the new found information."Agreed" Will said. 

"Now Miss Barbossa will you join us on this most noble quest." Sparrow turned and asked me. "You want me to come on this trip with you to get a girl back from my father" Why in the world would he want me to go with him.

"Well yes unless you would prefer to be hanged here in this lonely port." "Well when you put it like that I do feel rather compelled to go on your 'most noble quest' with you"

"Great" Sparrow said "Now young Will get us out of this cell.

A/N   second chapter done this one was not as long as I hoped it would be but still I hope its a decent size for only my 2nd chapter I have ever written.    

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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