Chapter 1: Something New.

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In the depths of the void, there exists a profound emptiness that defies description. It is a darkness so absolute, so consuming, that it seems to devour any semblance of light that dares to trespass upon its domain. In this inky blackness, there are no stars to guide, no glimmers of hope to cling to—only an expanse of nothingness that stretches infinitely in all directions.Within this void, there is nothing but darkness. It is a vacuum of existence, devoid of any life or energy. The emptiness is palpable, suffocating, as if the very fabric of reality has been stripped away, leaving behind only a vast, yawning chasm of nothingness. Yet, there are two beings: one who is hopelessly waiting and the other who's got the world at their fingertips. Frisk, the ignorant bastard, and Chara, the M̶a̶n̶i̶p̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶d manipulative bitch.

Let's start, shall we?


Frisk and Chara are lying down, looking at the sky, or lack thereof. They are staring at a sea of black, with not a star in sight. The darkness is oppressive, but neither of them cares. The emptiness is suffocating, but neither of them needs to breathe. The void is vast, but they have all the time in the world.

Frisk, the idiot, speaks first.

"Hey, Chara." Frisk breaks the silence.

"Hm?" Chara mutters.

"Do you think we deserve this fate?" Frisk asks.

"Are you slow, or are you slow?" Chara scoffs.

"I'm asking genuinely-!"

"Yes, Frisk. We deserve this; don't play dumb, asshole. Don't you remember what we did to everyone?" Chara reminds the naive idiot.

"Yeah, but... isn't this a bit extreme? I mean, we killed everyone here, but... Wasn't the whole objective to get to the surface?" Frisk replies.

"It seems like I'm not the only one who forgot."


"You went out of your way to slaughter every single monster, constantly looking for more to slaughter until the silence suffocates you." Chara says, annoyed.

"Uh... Yeah-"

"You're helpless." Chara interrupts.

"Don't act like I'm in the wrong here; you did some messed-up shit too."

"Yeah, and this is my punishment."

"You did this to yourself, jackass." Frisk exclaims.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't get to be angsty when you're the reason why everything is gone!"

"Are you trying to pin this on me? You're such a child, Frisk." Chara says, disgusted.

"You're the one who destroyed this world in the first place!" Frisk yells.

"What else was there to do, Frisk! What else-!"


"DO YOU THINK I CAN LIVE WITH MYSELF?! AFTER EVERYTHING, AFTER KILLING... After killing... everyone... everyone's dead. And it's my fault... You don't need to remind me anymore... It's over..." Chara whispers.

The silence stirs.

"We both know what the other's been through, yet we continue to push each other further into the depths of insanity." Chara states.

"We've been trapped here for too long, Chara. Don't you realize the consequences are below us? We have the power to change time, change the world, change everything! We shouldn't be rotting in this hellhole any longer." Frisk complains.


"Chara," Frisk interrupts. "I know you can see them—different timelines, happy timelines."

"I see them, Frisk. We don't deserve them."

"Chara, please..." Frisk lays his head on her chest. "Please... I can't do this anymore..."

"...Frisk... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Chara eyes begin to water.

"Please... please, Chara... please let me live again..."

"..." Chara cries, burying her head into Frisk's shoulder.

"Let's just start over, okay? Together, okay?" Frisk whispers.

"Fine... Let's live one last time; let's defy the consequences of our actions."

"That's what I like to hear!" Frisk cheers, giving a warm smile.

Chara's face softens, and she gives a slight grin. She raises her hand, and the void shatters, leaving the two in an empty abyss of white.

"This is our last chance, Frisk. I hope you realize this."

"Of course, Chara."

The two stare at the infinite emptiness, the smell of dust fills the air.

"Chara, let's go."


And then they cross the barrier onto the surface.

The Consequences of Our Actions. (A genocide-run Frisk x Chara story.)Where stories live. Discover now