Chapter 2: The Cycle Begins Again.

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(Frisk POV:)

I give Chara a dejected look. She looks at me with an annoyed look on her face; she's extra bitchy too since she's a ghost now.

"You can't actually expect me to do that, especially since the whole point of this was to-"

"Live our lives again? Yeah, seems like you're the only one living, you asshole. So get me a body." Chara interrupted.

"Me vs that village... And you think I'm winning, it's flattering almost, but there's no way in hell I'd do that. And you were the one going on about atoning for our sins." I said with a whole bunch of snark in my voice.

"Yeah, fuck that. Do you see our LV? We are practically a serial murderer." Chara replied.

"We fell down Mount Ebott and murdered every single monster! Not a single human life! They hate monsters anyways so we're good!" I explained.

"Frisk. Do you know how long we were in the void for?"


"Exactly, you are missing, dead and forgotten about."

"..." I fell silent.

"What I am asking of you is quite simple. Go to the village, find a determination soul, and forcefully take their soul! But you want to be a little bitch about it. You're the one who said we are above our actions. I mean Frisk, what you said there hit me like a truck. We're basically Gods! With the power we've gained, we can do whatever the hell we want to!"

I stared at Chara, her words echoing in my mind like a haunting melody. The bitterness in her tone only served to fuel the growing turmoil within me. She was right, damn it. I hated to admit it, but she was right.

As much as I despised her, as much as I clung to my dwindling sense of morality, her words cut through the haze of my denial. What had I become? A hypocrite? A coward?

Chara's proposition loomed before me like a grotesque specter, its dark allure tempting me with promises of power and control. And in that moment of weakness, I felt the tendrils of despair creeping into my soul.

Was this really who I wanted to be? A puppet dancing to the whims of a vengeful ghost? No. No, it couldn't be.

Chara's words echoed in the hollow chambers of my mind, mocking me with their cruel truth. "We're practically serial murderers," she had said. And she was right.

I had deceived myself with feeble justifications, clinging to the delusion that our actions were somehow justified. But there was no escaping the damning truth.

I had become the very thing I had feared most. A monster.

With a heavy heart and a bitter taste of defeat on my lips, I knew what I had to do. Chara's demands were grotesque, abhorrent even, but they offered a twisted semblance of purpose in this desolate void.

Closing my eyes against the suffocating weight of guilt and shame, I made a choice. A choice that would stain my soul with the indelible mark of darkness.

"I'll do it," I whispered, my voice hollow and empty.

And with those words, I sealed my fate. Embracing the darkness that lurked within, I took a step into the abyss, knowing that there would be no redemption awaiting me on the other side.

"Ok? Ya happy? I'll do it, damn it! So please... Stop yelling at me..." The words escaped my lips in a defeated murmur, each syllable heavy with resignation. I could feel Chara's gaze boring into me, her eyes devoid of any shred of empathy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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