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I fought a yawn as I set a cup on the counter. "Iced matcha with a shot of vanilla for Daylin," I said as a woman came up to collect the drink. "Have a nice day," I said as she walked away.

My eyes felt heavy and my knees felt weak from the countless hours I had worked today, so I was overjoyed when my manager said I could head out early today. I shoved my tips into my purse and left the small cafe.

I drove in a hurry, my stomach growling for food. I hoped Libby had made food at home, although I knew she had been working overtime at the assisted living center to earn a little more cash. Although Avery and I both worked a job as well, money was still pretty tight.

I pulled up to the diner and waited for Avery to come out to the car. Eventually I could see her come out and she got into the car.

"How much?" I asked her. She smiled a tired smile at me. "Twenty. It was good today. What about you?" "Didn't get many today. My pay at the end of the week should be good, though."

Avery nodded and we started home. We arrived at our apartment and went up the stairs to our door. I unlocked it with my keys and we walked into Libby stirring something in a large metal mixing bowl.

"Hey Lib," I said, sitting down on one of the stools at the counter. "Hey Ella, how was work?"

I shrugged, leaning my head against my hand. "Same old same old."

Just then Avery came into the kitchen and sat next to me, throwing money on the counter. "Here is my share for the rent."

Libby crossed her arms. "Avery, what did I say? You don't need to give me your money."

Just then I dug in my pocket and pulled out a twenty and added it to Avery's pile. "And mine."

"Hey!" Libby said, picking up the bills. "I will throw this money at you."

Avery shrugged. "We'll dodge."

"You guys are impossible," she grumbled. "But in the meantime, take a muffin as a token of my gratitude."

"Why thank you, ma'am," I said, picking up a muffin. I was about to take a bite when I noticed the pan of unfrosted cupcakes on the counter.

My eyes darted to Libby as I stood up, my muffin falling to the floor. "What did you do?"

Libby wrung her hands as Avery also noticed the tray. "I-it's not what you think."

"Not what we think?" Avery said, deathly quiet. "So he's not moving back in?"

"Well-it'll be different. He's changed." I scoffed loudly. "You say that every time he moves back in, and it's still always the exact same."

As if on cue, Libby's on again, off again boyfriend came into the kitchen and picked up a cupcake from the tray and took a bite.

"Hey jailbait," he nodded at Avery. She scowled. "Trouble," he added to me in a bitter tone. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Drake!" Libby said. "Kidding! You know I'm kidding, Libby-mine." he said to her.

"Lib, this is not healthy! Can't you see every time he comes back into our lives he just causes more and more problems? This relationship is not good for you!" Avery said, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.

"And this isn't your apartment," Drake said, voice like venom.

"And it's not yours, either. The only reason you aren't homeless or in prison right now is because of my sister, so I would shut my mouth if I were you, criminal."

Drake was about to retort when Libby cut him off. "Drake, please. They're my sisters."

"Half-sisters," he said, smirking at us. He saw Libby's face and smiled. "Kidding."

"Please, "Libby said, cradling a cupcake in her palms as if it were a peace offering. "It will be better, I promise."

I huffed a breath. "Well, if you need us," I pointed to Avery and I. "We'll be living in our car."

With that, we left the apartment, slamming the door behind us. But the guilt I was feeling for leaving her there alone with him followed me all the way out to the car.

A/N: Hello, and thank you for reading the first chapter of A Very Intelligent Gamble. I hope you enjoyed it and please share your opinions on this chapter through the comments and don't forget to vote!


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